August 3

Illusion Ends! Weekly Flow Tarot, August 4 – 10


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Looking at this week at a whole. I’m thinking we’re talking a significant change of perspective…perhaps not entirely comfortable. Like when a child first realizes there is no Santa, it seems to be a week for outgrowing outmoded lessons. We’ve got a couple of Major Arcana (big deal) along with a mix of the other suits. But whatever form it takes in our lives, I’m really thinking it’s a long term re-orientation.

Monday, Question – Two of Wands: Black and white, this or that? While this art doesn’t show a faceoff, the Two of Wands usually implies one, although it may not be visible.  There is a choice of some sort. The job today is to clarify what it is you are choosing between.

Tuesday, Lesson – The Moon reversed: Looks like learning about some personal “crazy” – someplace where you may have been deceving yourself coming into focus. A little ouchy maybe, but good in the long run.

Wednesday, What to Take from the Past – The Hanged Man: Was there a time when your faith that everything would be okay was stronger? When you were more sure things would work out or you’d get exactly what you needed? That. That is good to bring with you into the now. Music, prayer and naps are saving graces. Showers and baths are also soothing.

Thursday, Relationship – The Fool Reversed: Don’t be petty, and don’t be surprised if somebody you’re connected to is a little petty. It’s a mood, it will pass.

Friday, Disappointment – Eight of Pentacles: Work can be so much…well, work. It’s not always exciting but responsibility can have it’s own rewards. If you’re not happy with where you are, start looking to take one step closer to where you’d like to be. It starts with now.

Saturday, Clarification – Four of Cups Reversed: Have your expectations been unrealistic? Daydreams gone amuck? Maybe what you’ve got isn’t so bad, really. It’s just not what you imagined. Maybe you can start imagining from today, huh? That’s a plan.

Sunday, What to Leave in the Past – Knight of Swords: Filters on the mouth are good. Being critical is not necessarily helpful. Saying everything you’re thinking when it is critical, not a great idea.

Overview/Advice, 7 of Pentacles: Everything this week, good bad and ugly, consider the long-term implications. You’re doing what you need to do to get where you need to get. It may not be where you expected, I got it. But hey, is it really that bad? Or does it maybe have possibilities you never imagined? Go there.

Affirmation: All is Well in my World. This is kind of self-explanatory, don’t you think? Appreciate what you’ve got, man. So many don’t have that. Be grateful. And be well. Have a great week!

How does your week look?

Mystic Dreamer Tarot
by Heidi Darras

Deck of 1000 Spreads
by Tierney Sadler

p.s. I had some help this week…

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Smokey did not approve of my weekly draw. But she doesn’t approve of a lot (except dinner).

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Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Deck of 1000 Spreads, Eight of Pentacles, Four of Cups, Knight of Swords, Mystic Dreamer, Seven of Pentacles, The Fool, The Hanged Man, The Moon, Two of Wands

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