I blame astrology–but one recurring theme of my life has been people that I care about exiting–sometimes quite dramatically.
I know, I know, we all deal with this to one degree or another. But it’s been notable for me, at least to me. It’s been a function of my life for many, many years. Important relationships, poof! Friends, sure, but also close family. I have not always taken this well mind you, but maturity has helped me make a lot of progress on that front.
This feature of being me has given the opportunity to find lots and lots of different perspectives on the phenomena. And being who I am, I always look for the perspective that feels best to me.
Our connections, meaningful as they are to us, giving so much fun and love and healing and growth, are all interludes in our lives. We each live inside our own hearts and heads with our own, unique perspectives and no amount of explanation or persuasion can fully admit another. And that’s beyond okay; it’s how this works. That’s how we’re built. It’s a gift, really, when we can share bits and pieces of it with another, but wholly unnecessary for a happy life.
Think of it like icing on the cake. It’s great to have icing but with or without, the cake still tastes good.
This week coming up? It’s a lot like that. The only thing that really matters is sticking true to who you are. This is your cake. Let the universe ice it.

This week’s forecast audio…
The week as a whole may require you to step back a bit to get your orientation, so take your time and let the week’s events roll over you. There is a very clear flow to this forecast, gradual and progressive. I’m seeing/feeling plenty of hysteria out in the wild–so you’ll have to make the choice to opt out if you’d prefer not to ride on that train. Disciplined focus and a determination to feel good are your tickets to a better experience.
Especially notable in this week’s draw is the number of Sevens–the sixteen of the Tower reduces to seven, and we’ve got the Sevens of Wands, Pentacles, and Cups, along with the Chariot, Seven in the Major Arcana! Tarot Sevens offer a clarifying force: focus, drive, and turn points are often called into play. There’s also a sense in Tarot sevens of being separate, standing alone to make one’s decisions while the rest of the world does whatever it does. So if you keep that in mind, you’ll have more success.
Let’s hop on in to the day-by-day and see what we’ve got going.
Monday, Rebuild (Tower) – This angel has lots of heart energy going on…a very soft interpretation of the Tower. Take wherever you are, make peace and start focusing on what you want. Read: focusing NOT on what’s wrong, what might be wrong, how long it will be wrong, how to force the wrong out of your experience. Focus on what you want, and ways you can add that energy in your life. Focus is not the devastation, but the rebuilding. This works from applying it to yourself, all the way out: to your family, neighborhood, country, or world. I recommend focusing on what you want to build!
Tuesday, Strengthening Bonds (Ace of Pentacles) – Look for common ground. You disagree on 25 things with your neighbor but agree on two? Focus on and explore the two you agree upon! That’s the basis for moving forward. That is the only space in which progress is possible.
Wednesday, Base Chakra + Love (The Lovers) – Security and stability comes from the heart, not external circumstances. If you want to offer that to others, or find it for yourself, come at it form a heart space. Look for and express love and kindness. Focus on the energy of love and kindness to activate the vibration of love and kindness. If you are feeling a bit alone, to activate more love, focus your attention on things that help bring out that energy for you. A pet you love, food or a movie, whatever, doesn’t matter what it is. Just feel the appreciation, as appreciation is the same family of vibration as love, so it will activate love. Love is always good medicine.
Thursday, Choose your Battles (Seven of Wands) – Self-explanatory, don’t you think? Trying to get others to be you is always a losing proposition, so I never recommend it. ‘Nuff said.
Friday, Awaiting Results (Seven of Pentacles) – Don’t push to know all the details, how it’s all going to be, now, now, now, now, now. Set out your intentions and be clear, and let the world morph around your clarity and focus of feelings. The results of the vibration you’re offering will settle themselves.
Saturday, Daydreams and Decisions (Seven of Cups) – Lots of visions dancing in your head. Mentally a very active time. You get to decide what you focus on. Let your mind wander, sure, but steer it towards the “wouldn’t it be great if…” end of the scale. Make any necessary decisions, WHILE you’re in a good feeling place.
[bctt tweet=”Make decisions steeped in the feeling you want for the outcome. #OnMyRadar” via=”no”]
Sunday, Move (Chariot) – We’ve had some clarification this week. Monday, we decided what we want. Tuesday, we searched for common ground. Wednesday, we helped ourselves and others feel a bit more secure, coming from a heart-centered place. Thursday, we acknowledged not everything is worth fighting about, Friday, we sat back to let the flow come. Saturday, we get into a good-feeling place with our imagination and make decision from that good-feeling place. Sunday, you may have the option to take some action on it–inspired action, that comes from being connected, plugged in and being in a good place.
Overview/Advice, Darkest Fears (Nine of Swords) – Some of what you feel is “wrong” is worry, imagination used against yourself. Understand the yucky feelings you may have may not be premonition signaling an eventuality, but more born of personal fears. Look for where you can come together with the portion of your experience, however humble it may be, that you find is representative of what you want to see. I don’t mean come together to complain! Look for areas of commonality, harmony and agreement. This will help soothe and even out your energy, giving you more clarity. It’s a step towards living a happy life, which is kind of why we’re here.
Hope that’s helpful and hope you have an awesome week.
How’s your cake coming?
This week’s forecast features the Psychic Heart Tarot. If you dig it, you may like my book, Everyday Tarot Archives, or a personal consult.