Well, I would expect a busy (and potentially hot-headed) weekend when all we’ve got on tap are the Wands. In keeping with the Wands suit (and the fact that today is my 25th wedding anniversary and I’m not especially interested writing long-winded forecasts), I’ll keep this one pointed.
Taken together, I see these cards as suggesting being active to burn off excess energy, focusing on your accomplishments, and accepting whatever you must without getting overly mired in how you think it should be otherwise. There’s a call to faith here that’s unmistakable to me. It will serve you well if you can muster some up while you’re scooting around doing stuff.
The choice is between busy, hot-blooded, or pissed, hot-headed.
Past Life, Saturday – Six of Wands: Looks like we’re feeling good with where we’ve been so far. Expect to feel the payoff of past efforts Saturday and possible kudos from others. Revel!
Future Life, Sunday – Queen of Wands Rx: You don’t make all the rules, and maybe somebody is being stubborn or unfair or just a general ass and it’s impacting your future. Do the best you can with what you’ve got.
Weekend Take-home – Reversed Two of Wands: Some things you have a choice over and some you don’t. Between that reversed Queen of Wands and the reversed Two of Wands, I would really caution you not to get into an unnecessary standoff. Especially if you have no leverage. Flexibility and focusing on what really matters to you wins the day.
Affirmation – Archangel Raphael: “Give your cares and your worries to us angels, and allow us to take your burdens. Even if you’re not big into the Angel scene, you can consider the advice. Hand it over—to God if you’ve got one (or more), the Spirits, your Guides, your dead relatives, the Universe. Whomever your invisible friends are, call ‘em up and let them do their gig. They won’t step in unless it’s dire or you ask. Otherwise, they tend to respect free will.
Hot-blooded or hot-headed? Or none of the above?
Schedule a session with Dixie. |
Happy Anniversary!!! Congrats!
You’re so accurate as always… Had a grumpy fight with hubby… it’s ok now. Ok, I’ll back down.
I guess I did get a nice payoff. I’m now in Wisc. with my organic Chardonnay!
Oh no!
You know what, sofie? I am trying really hard to take my own advice, too. Keeping my mouth shut when I wanted to snap and I know it’s the right thing to do so I’ll keep it up.