Out of perfection nothing can be made. Every process involves breaking something up. —Joseph Campbell
The concept of perfection being born of imperfection has been on my radar. It’s been a tremendously freeing perspective to adopt. I don’t have to see anything as merely “bad” anymore. I can see difficult situations as all having some sort of gift hidden somewhere inside. I really like looking at the world that way.
We tend to lament all that’s screwed up, either in our lives or the world at large. I’ve done plenty myself! But the simple truth is the same no matter what: the undesirable is an undeniable component to personal and societal evolution. Difficulties inspire changes. Imperfection is an irreplaceable catalyst for growth. The bigger the imperfection, the stronger the force for change.
It’s not always pretty by a long shot. But there is always something good to be found with a little practice, if that’s specifically what you’re seeking.
That’s one of the reasons I’ve put myself on a self-criticism diet. I do the best I can, always. If I notice somewhere I could do better, of course I do going forward! But I don’t fault myself in the process. Instead, I appreciate the fact I am growing. Growing is a good thing.
I’ve decided that doing the best I can is enough. Always.
It’s not about the outcomes. Sure, I care about outcomes. But outcomes have many moving parts, most of which I cannot directly control. For me, it’s about consistently coming from a place of positive intention, with a steadfast commitment to doing my best–these factors are always within my control.
It’s an easy way of being kind to myself. And I’ve found my life flows much smoother when I’m kind to myself. Everything is easier.
Since I’ve consciously made this decision, I’ve noticed an unexpected side effect: I can more easily slip into the same perspective for rest of the world, too. Looking for the best in me makes it easier to see the best in others, too. It feels good and it allows me to support people wherever they are at without having to divide all into categories of acceptable or not. I can make it my job to take care of me, and trust the rest of the world to sort themselves out.
I have yet to find a downside to this approach. But then again, I’m not really looking.
[bctt tweet=”We cannot give love we haven’t first given to ourselves. #OnMyRadar” via=”no”]

We’ve got the High Priestess reversed this week from the Cosmic Tarot, along with Peony (Prosperity & Compassion) from the Botanical Inspirations deck. This combination speaks to me about what we’re tuning in, versus what we’re tuning out. Are you seeking what’s wrong or what’s right?
Goodness of any sort is not a conditional outcomes; it’s a state of mind, more about feelings than events. And a state of mind begets more of the same. Anger predisposes you to more anger, and sadness to more sadness. Likewise, joy predisposes you to more joy, and appreciation to more appreciation. You feel prosperous acknowledging the prosperity you’ve already attained, which paves the way for more. And that’s a really nice way to live.
This week, look for the good. Start in the mirror and you’ll soon find, you’ll be doing the same looking out the window as well. Make a little time each day to appreciate the flowers and enjoy the fruit that’s in season, either literally or metaphorically. You’ll soon see just what I mean.
If you want a personal consult to help you adjust your own attitude, give me a holler. And be well!