Welcome to eclipse season. The first of this summer’s big three hit yesterday.
I’d ask if you’re feeling it, but quite frankly if you’ve the mental capacity to read this, I know the answer already.
I talk to my husband about…the world. He’s usually the only one, to be honest.
I know, no matter how disorganized my thoughts or how awkwardly my partially-formed ideas may be blurted, my basic goodness won’t ever be called into question.
It’s safe to process thoughts and feelings. He assumes I’m a decent human being from the get-go. There’s no need to prove the point.
In fact, he doesn’t merely offer me “the benefit of a doubt.” I am gifted an utter lack of doubt. While he may legitimately challenge facts or reasoning, the love in my heart and my desire for the greater good remains an absolute given, always.
Do you know how big a deal that is? It’s hard to even put into words how helpful such an environment can be when you’re trying to process difficult or painful realities. This approach dissolves defensiveness. I can hammer out a new, broader perspective that feels natural without becoming entrenched by a need to justify my starting place.
Now, I’m not about to tell anyone how to feel about anything. I will point out that one’s dominant feelings are largely dictated by perspective. Perspective is largely a function of where emphasis and attention is directed. If you can shift attention, you can shift perspective.
I actively look for good in others. I can almost always find it. It’s a good way to live.
If you can offer anything similar to folks in your world, I highly recommend it. It brings out the best in people. It brings out the best in me, for sure. Next week would be an excellent time to practice.
Next week in Tarot
The forecast for next week is the reversed High Priestess. Advice comes by way of the Two of Wands, as shown here from the Radiant Rider-Waite.
The Priestess is an empath, currently quite overwhelmed. There’s too many intense feelings coming at her for her to easily sort out which are hers. She may feel compelled to act without the benefit of her usual sense of knowing or divine timing. Her intuition remains intact, but the sheer volume of emotion coming at her clouds her ability to distinguish signal from the noise.
Or maybe I project.
Either way, once we come back to center, the Two of Wands guides the way forward.
The Two of Wands shows a man standing on solid ground. He looks off into the distance with optimism and positive expectation.
He isn’t looking out into the future filled with trepidation and worry over what’s coming. He’s not filled with disgust or anger. It’s not like he couldn’t find cause for those other feelings, but that’s not where he’s looking.
The world is literally in his hand. He understands his personal future is of his own making and in that moment we’ve spied upon him, he’s actively looking forward to the future he’s creating .
Every moment, do your best to both envision and embody the sort of future you want to live. ♥
Want to work out what’s in your own head? Contact Dix for a private session.