October 23

10/23/12: Writing your own show | Hierophant


hierophant-zombie-tarotHar! I just love renditions of the Hierophant as TV announcer. Like the Housewives Tarot by the same creators, the Zombie Tarot pokes a bit of fun at whom society turns to for the last word in traditional wisdom.

There’s something to be said, for following the traditional path—at least, to a point. You can learn something from the documentaries that teach the untold secrets, but with a caveat.

You have to always be your own fact-checker. Seek the knowledge of the bigger world, sure. Pay attention to the wisdom of the ages—or the sages on TV, if that’s where you find your wisdom. But never, ever, ever deny it for the wisdom of your heart.

No truth is your truth until you make it your own. Study, learn, grow. And then extend beyond the sum of what you’ve seen on TV. This is how you write your own show.

Do you have a path you follow, or do you tend to write your own wisdom?

The Zombie Tarot: An Oracle of the Undead with Deck and Instructions
The Zombie Tarot: An Oracle of the Undead

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The Hierophant, Zombie Tarot

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