“If you have a particular faith or religion, that is good. But you can survive without it.” –Dalai Lama
Happy Valentine’s Day!
One of the things I like best about the Transparent Tarot is the interpretation of the Majors—by using a single symbol for each, the meaning is distilled into a very symbolic, but graspable essence.
The Hierophant (Taurus) from today’s Tarot is a wonderful example. He stands for faith and especially, established religious traditions. He’s considered a holy, learned man—solid, unchanging, and yes, predictable. He gives shelter, comfort and continuity to many, bringing the spiritual down to earth. As our Wiccan friends could probably attest, the ancient Oak is a powerful symbolic icon for just this kind of spirituality.
When we pair him with this version of the Eight of Wands (Mercury in Sagittarius), it creates a striking picture. This version feels less of uncertainly than the RWS, although that’s there. But with the figure riding those wands up in the sky, it seems the movement is, indeed, positive. Taken together, these cards encapsulates a spiritual journey quite beautifully.
We may well begin by studying established tradition, learning the religion of family and friends, understanding the morals, values and admonitions of our forefathers and mothers. For large parts of our lives, we may well just accept the dogma on faith.
Like Taurus himself, what we learn studying “the right way” is often solid and dependable and practical. Not necessarily exciting, but predictable nonetheless.
But once we have that understanding in hand, we have the option to take off from there! No long requiring an intermediary to commune with the divine, we can begin doing it ourselves. Our thinking (Mercury) expands (Sagittarius) to accommodate our OWN spiritual philosophy (Sagittarius). The movement’s quick (Mercury) and large (Sagittarius).
The cards today suggest using a safe, comfortable grounding in tradition as a launching pad for finding your OWN spiritual path. Once you open that door and walk through, expect your personal sense of spirituality to unfold very quickly and decisively. You don’t have to accept tradition wholesale, any more than you have to start out without any direction. Be open, listen, and learn. The sky is yours.
Does this model match how you see spiritual development?
![]() | The Transparent Tarot by Emily Carding |
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