October 13

10/13/12: Non-traditional | Hierophant Rev



“Tradition is a guide and not a jailer.” W. Somerset Maugham

I’ve never been much of a traditional gal. Can you tell?

Whenever I get too close to the drive to conform, I get itchy. It’s not that I don’t’ respect established wisdom. I do! How could you work with Tarot and not? It’s just that I have to find my own path. I’ll study it, I’ll learn what others think, I’ll be glad to benefit from the wisdom of the ages. But in the end, if it’s not my own, it’s nothing.

The Hierophant (Taurus) is old school in every respect; he shows us the traditions, the institutions, the accepted methods of study and learning and all things conventional. He holds the keys to being accepted via established tradition. He very often shows up for spiritual teachings, although that’s not his only possible venue.

Inverted, I wouldn’t say he’s advising us to bail on all that came before. But I would consider it notice to examine all with a critical eye, take what works for you and discard what does not.

I know not everyone is of that mind, and that’s fine. Thing is, if just accept it because it’s what you were taught, how much of it is yours anyway?

Are you non-traditional?

Morgan-Greer Tarot Deck
by Bill Greer & Lloyd Morgan

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Morgan-Greer, The Hierophant

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  1. In my daily single card draws, and elsewhere, The Heirophant would often show up for a visit. He’s like my main man, him and The Tower, we’re buds. lol Leave it to me, to make friends with Mr. Tradition, and Mr. Hey Let’s Throw All These Old Ways Of Thinking Out. :silly:

  2. Gosh I agree Dixie, but how much is that like splitting? If we only take what we like about something or someone or even ourselves…..I don’t know where we put the rest. I’ve been pondering a lot about that recently.

    1. For me, it’s not taking just the parts I like so much as taking that which I can find truth in, setting aside the rest. What I find rings true does not always coincide with what I like!

      I also find that sometimes, things I have set aside come back later on and fit into my worldview puzzle meaningfully then. But before I am ready, they make no sense. Like I have to develop a foundation, a context for it to fit…

  3. I see this card playing out today. First, I understand what you say about “in the end, if it’s not my own, it’s nothing” Yes.
    For me, today, and with this card personal and community tradition are pretty much getting turned on their head. I struggled for a very long time with a pain toward organized religion. It was a battle and a half for me. I’m sure you have an inkling (as many do) of what that is like.
    I’ve made a great deal of peace within myself regarding this. And, it wasn’t easy. But, now, I’m much more at ease with it. And today, a church has contacted me (Me? really?) to write a piece about one of their elders and the different things the church has to offer within the community. Non-traditional on their part..personally non-traditional on my part.


    1. I find the coming back aspect of religion fascinating, and have been looking at this myself. (Shocked, ain’t ya? Ha!) Been studying certain magical traditions that make liberal use of Bible verses and Saintly patrons. It was a bit of an adjustment at first, but I’m feeling more at home/dixiblog/domains/afoolsjourney.com/public_html all the time.

      Of course, what I do would never fit into an upright H.’s space. But I can definitely see the value of marrying the old with the new…

  4. I used to cringe when I pulled this card. It reminded me of how non-taditional I was compared to the world I was working in at the time. It’s an easier card for me now and reminds me that it’s traditions of our own making that can be the most comforting ones.

  5. Hmmm… The Hierophant is “my” card….. but I have always known it (and I think of it) in terms of teaching and learning. The best teachers learn as they teach. The best students teach as they learn.

    And Uranus rules my chart so the Tower is one of my favorite cards. I am forever throwing myself off cliffs (towers) and I love doing so…

  6. Speaking of jumping off cliffs/Towers…….. I threw myself off a cliff/Tower a year and a half ago…….. I’ve been in a free fall ever since……… the longest free fall ever in my life……… I hope I survive!

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