November 23

11/23/11: Living Your Faith | Hierophant, Princess of Disks


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Today, we’ve got the Hierophant (Taurus) and the Princess of Disks, better known as the Page of Pentacles (Earth in Earth). Even without studying the wealth of symbolism packed in the Rosetta Tarot, it’s easy to get a feel for this combo. The energy is very earthy, like bringing that spiritual teaching down into the real world. It nicely embodies exactly what I intended for this site—”Seeking divine in the everyday.”

I didn’t just dash that tagline off unconsciously, you know. From the beginning of A Fool’s Journey, I considered a mission beyond merely a vehicle for metaphysical ramblings. I thought long and hard about what I reasonably had to offer.  I mean, realized I’d often be writing for an audience that would frequently be better versed in the individual subject matter than I am!  That right there will keep you humble. But just because many others know more than me doesn’t mean I don’t have anything to offer. I have a voice, too. We all do. I am on my own Fool’s Journey, and in speaking of my own experiences, perhaps I can support others doing the same.

You don’t have to be perfect or “gifted” or somehow spiritually superior to lead a spiritual life. You don’t have to see visions or speak in tongues or live glow-in-the-dark holy. You just have to LIVE, best you can, expressing the highest energy you can access at any given time. That is enough, always.

Because really, isn’t that what it’s all about? You live best you can, looking for the highest expression, the best you can do with the energy you’ve got to work with. Sometimes it’s smooth and free-flowing, other times, not so much. Look at your spiritual ideals, your convictions, as guiding principles for your everyday life and you can’t go too far wrong. That’s what I think.

Do you see divine in the everyday?

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Purchase the Rosetta Tarot from the artist.
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Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Fool's Journey, Page of Pentacles, Rosetta Tarot, The Hierophant

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  1. This is so dead on with me right now. Dealing with the stress of the holidays and job loss on top of it I am lucky to get a few minutes to meditate and connect with my spiritual side.

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