July 20

Hierophant & Knight of Pentacles: Working Out


I had thought I was going to slide under the radar during the recent eclipse cycle. I’d hoped Mercury retrograde wouldn’t notice me. I’d just keep my head down and my mouth shut and I’d slip through it without issue.

Silly me!

Eclipse day, I had a hard drive failure.

Actually, failure isn’t the right word. “Capital-D Die” would be a more accurate description. Since it was not on my main computer, I was still able to function. So that helped.

But the dead hard drive that held about a thousand recipes, pictures and posts I use for my low carb Facebook page. So yes, still kind of a big deal.

There were backups, of course…all on the same hard drive. Because la-la-life-is-wonderful-Dixie somehow hadn’t thought about backing up on a different drive. Even though the computer was old and had shown signs of impending doom, my unfailing optimism was able to just erase the symptoms from my conscious awareness. Neat trick, huh?

Funny thing, though. It took me approximate 3 seconds to realize, this event was decidedly not a catastrophe.

My content had grown stale. But it was THERE, so it was easy enough to just let it ride, you know? I’d considered switching tools, but put it off because of the need to re-do everything. My system was working. I realized it needed some fresh life, but it wasn’t a priority so it didn’t end up getting any love because it wasn’t a fire.

This event forced me to look at the work I’m doing with fresh eyes–and bring fresh energy to it.

I surrendered to the reality almost immediately, because what choice do you have? And in doing so, I saw how the situation was in the big picture, a boon.

I didn’t need to wish away the circumstance. I needed adjust my thinking, which can be done very quickly and easily if you’re open to doing so.

Next week? Do that.

Next Week in Tarot

For outlook this week, we have the Hierophant and the advice is the Messenger of Earth (aka Knight of Pentacles) from the visually evocative deck, The Good Tarot.

Everything will come together as needed–the Hierophant is unfailingly competent. When this spiritual leader shows up, calling upon your faith or actively practicing spirituality to maintain equilibrium is never a bad play.

That knight showing up as advice veritably screamed Mercury Retrograde (the time when communications and electronics tend to go a little haywire). We are still in the midst, in case you were wondering.

So check your facts and then go back and check them again. Stay organized. Be conscientious. Measured, practical, consistent steps yield the best outcome here.

Keep your head about you and don’t freak out no matter what. Make “It’s all working out for me” your mantra, and so it will be.

It’s all working out. Really. Are you feeling it?

Need a little help staying centered? Give me a shout and we’ll talk.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Good Tarot, Knight of Pentacles, The Hierophant

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