January 28

01/29/13: Take a Time Out | Hermit


Hermit Zombie Tarot

So, the other day I was totally stressing over some rouge code. Stressing hard enough that one of my buds FELT ME STRESSING and checked in on me.

I was getting nowhere slow.

Eventually, I put it aside. I had dinner and stretched out on the couch with a cat. I took a 3-hour nap. I got up, watched some TV, and scuttled off to bed. In other words, I totally banished all concerns about my worries and shut it out.

And the next morning? I woke up knowing EXACTLY what to do. Solved the problem I’d labored over for a few days in about a half hour.

That situation popped into my mind with today’s version of the Hermit. It’s one of my favorites—all Virgoy and studious. This one has a happy housewife shutting out the cares of her zombie-infested world with some chocolates and a good book.

If you’re tracking Everyday Tarot trends, yesterday’s advice was to stop worrying so damn much, too. Okay, Tarot, I’m a-listening!

Let go of whatever is worrying you, just for now. Get yourself some snacks and a good book and hit the couch. The problems won’t just be there in the morning—good chance, the solutions may be as well.

Are you ready for a time out?

The Zombie Tarot: An Oracle of the Undead with Deck and Instructions
The Zombie Tarot: An Oracle of the Undead

Need some help sorting it out? Hire Dixie.

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The Hermit, Zombie Tarot

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