September 8

Hermit Rx and 7 of Pentacles Rx: Step Back to Move Forward


I go through phases where I’m very active on support forums. It’s usually when I’m working through something big—untangling a knotty problem or trying to find clarity on a complicated question. I like to give back, offering what I’ve learned or just sharing the things I wish I’d known sooner.

Funny thing is, when I go back and read what I’ve written to others, I see the words I most need to heed. Those questions that seem to really resonate with me? The ones that get my brain fired up and make my fingers fly? They’re the ones I need to be asking myself. That’s one way of the Universe making me pay attention: pretend it’s helpful to somebody else.

This is a pretty solid tactic for the coming week: offering support, taking a step back, and checking in to see how that support might apply to to you. Because chances are pretty good, it does.

Next Week in the Cards

People think they know more than they actually do. At least, that’s the message from my well-worn Legacy of the Divine Tarot.

The vibes are introverted with the reversed Hermit, which means the lessons you’re facing haven’t fully landed yet. There’s an urge to pull away and isolate, which is fine. Just make sure the processing is still going on. It’s easy to distance yourself from people you disagree with, but have you taken a beat to really consider their perspective? Maybe, just maybe, there’s wisdom in there that you haven’t tapped into yet. It’s less about retreating to your cave and more about figuring out why you feel the need to retreat in the first place.

The advice comes from the reversed Seven of Pentacles: Don’t expect what you’re seeing now to be the final outcome. The results you’re seeing might shift, morph, or even surprise you over time. This isn’t the week to make any hard and fast decisions or lock anything down. Instead of rushing in and committing to anything, watch, wait, and reassess. Keep your options open.

Life’s always a work in progress, but right now, you’re in the middle of a particularly unsettled chapter. Give yourself space to observe without drawing conclusions just yet. There’s a lot to be gained from stepping back and looking at your situation through fresh, outsider eyes. That bit of distance can work wonders for your perspective.

And what are we watching for, exactly? It’s not just about results—it’s about the ripple effects, the bigger picture. Where are your choices going to land? What’s the long game here? This week, stray away from impulse decisions and lean into deliberation. Take your time, mull it over, sleep on it. Small, intentional steps are fine, but don’t fall into the trap of thinking you’ve already got it all figured out. The reversed Hermit is still learning—aren’t we all?

So, how about you? Are you gradually figuring it out?

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Legacy of the Divine, Seven of Pentacles, The Hermit

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