October 17

10/17/11: Art from the Heart | 6 Wands, Empress


 “In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine. ” –Ralph Waldo Emerson


Today’s Tarot is Success (Six of Wands/Jupiter in Leo) and Creativity (The Empress/Venus). I love this one!

You win, you soar, you come into your own though letting your light shine. Act on your true vision, coming straight from the heart, no filter. Don’t bother over what someone else sees. This is YOUR baby. Stay true, and create beauty.

What you make in a state of love and joy vibrates with love and joy. That light attracts, other people and energy to it. It grows the light. What you give purely from your heart generates blessings because it’s the most unique, meaningful gift you can give. It’s your authentic self, your love. Nobody else can give from your heart.

Do you see this dynamic in action? Can you use it?

Osho Zen Tarot Set
by US Games

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Major Arcana, Osho Zen, Six of Wands, The Empress

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  1. Your reading today is gorgeously synchronistic with something I was studying this morning, Dixie. We have to listen when the universe tells us something twice within the hour. Thanks!

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