For many years, I’ve felt like my life worked out pretty well, overall. But never, ever on my timetable! It seemed the harder I wanted something–unless it hit the point of overwhelming desire–the less likely it was to show up for me.
Of course, we tend to notice that dynamic most on subjects where we’re not where we’d like to be. The ones we are? Kinda taken for granted.
But a funny thing about that. Sometimes, when I’d eventually just forget about it and give up? What I was wanting showed up. Once I was able to set aside the worry and fuss and thinking, thinking, thinking about all of it, sometimes it would work out in the background. The Universe appeared to be on it, as soon as I’d get out of the way.
This week? Leave the heavy lifting to the Universe so that life can just unfold as it will. Your job is to manage your own emotional state. Ground and center, yo.
The first thing that jumps out about this week is the number of inverted cards. Typically, a spread with this many reversals is going to point to a sluggishly moving week. We’ve got a mix of Tarot suits, so no one elemental energy predominates. Most of the cards showing up are not super uncomfortable energies as far as that goes, but they will be partial, slowish, or otherwise less than forthright in their manifestation. That’s fine, though. The big thing is that you stay centered throughout, not tossing this way and that due to what’s going on circumstantially. Because if you can get your center no matter the situation? You’ve got it made!
Monday, Nine of Swords rx: Anxiety letting up a little today. Take any openings here and run with them by consciously soothing yourself and directing your thoughts from anxious spirals to more comforting territory. Sometimes we worry as if the act itself will somehow prevent disaster when it’s pretty much the opposite. When we vibrate disaster, it has an uncanny way of finding us.
Tuesday, Ten of Pentacles: Solid money day; great time to reconnect with your “heart family.” Feeling at home and making space to feel appreciation for what “home” means to you turns this lovely vibe up. Good food, also highly recommended!
Wednesday, Page of Wands rx: One step at at time still counts. In fact, it’s the surest way to keep moving ahead. Making peace with where you’re at is not the same thing as condemning yourself to an eternity right there. It’s actually the first step in moving ahead.
Thursday, Justice rx: Ground and center, ground and center, ground and center. It feels like a whirlwind outside. I’m seeing storms brewing outside the door of your little cabin. Get yourself inside! Separate from disruptive people, places and situations to the best of your ability–either literally or in terms of the attention you pay–and hunker down in your own happy place. Ground and center.
Friday, Strength rx: You may doubt your own abilities, but that doesn’t mean those doubts are accurate. Focus on thoughts that enhance your feeling of self-confidence.
Saturday, Nine of Cups rx: Don’t pick out the little thing that’s not exactly to your liking to give attention to. Select all the bigger things that are! You always have a choice in how you feel, executable by your selection on what you think about. Just keep reaching for the thoughts that give a little relief from where you are to step your way up the emotional ladder.
Sunday, Five of Cups: Okay, this card is sad. No getting around that–the Five of Cups is a card of loss. It’s not total loss (hence the remaining, standing cups), but it might feel like it in the moment. Keep up your self-care routines and continue edging your way up the emotional ladder by thinking thoughts that comfort you. It gets better.
Overview/Advice, King of Swords rx: Don’t overthink it this week. If it feels good to think about something, that’s reason enough to indulge yourself in those thoughts! If not, that’s reason enough to step back. Let your feelings guide you as much as you can.
Affirmation – Sensitivity, Archangel Haniel: “You are extra-sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honor yourself and your feelings.”
No feelings are wrong. But some are certainly more pleasant than others! We can keep reaching for the feelings that feel better by consciously directing our thought processes A lot of our pain and angst is totally unnecessary. Being sensitive? That’s a wonderful thing. It makes it easier for us to get connected and stay connected and get all those beautiful nudges and urges from our intuitive guidance system and nothing serves us better. But as our sensitivity may be turned up this week, it also means we must be extra mindful of caring for ourselves. Imbalances in energy are amplified under these conditions. So ground and center! And be kind to yourself.
Be well!
This week’s forecast features Legacy of the Divine Tarot and some Doreen Virtue Angel cards. If you dig it, you may like Dixie’s book, Everyday Tarot Archives. Or a personal consult.