Are you acting like you’re “in love” but not really feeling it? Discord buried by smiled-festooned faces? That’s the Reversed Two of Cups vibe I’m feeling today. Not “ready-to-choke-the-bastard” angry. More like “strained smile in a social setting” irked.
Maybe it’s for the best, to keep your bother to yourself. Maybe it’s just avoiding conflict when it would be better addressed. I don’t know! I’m not you. I just know somebody, somewhere, is most likely faking it. That doesn’t mean the situation cannot be arighted, turning that card back up and restoring harmony. It just means for right now, it ain’t quite there.
Bear that in mind as you judge social situations today. Be on the lookout for gritted teeth!
Any gritted teeth in your vicinity?
Tarot: The Complete Kit by Dennis Fairchild |
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I’m worried about my mother. She’s an alcoholic now… Everything has been crazy, and I won’t be able to take losing her. I want her to ease up on her drinking, but she’s isolated, depressed, and now used to it – and the stuff happening around here. Damn it. I’m going to ask her to go back to her therapist. I need to see one, too, and a year ago, I wanted family therapy – all of us. Nobody else did, though.
I know how painful it is when you see people you care for struggle. I’m sorry, Angela. Sending some love your way… ♥