October 21

Glorious Singularity: Tarot, Oct 24 – 30, 2016


The last several weeks, I’m seeing a theme in the forecasts–or maybe? The theme is in my head, my experience. But either way, it’s a valid theme.

[bctt tweet=”Focus on your own life and let others live theirs. #OnMyRadar ” username=”goddess_dix”]

Even if you think the others are crazy or stupid or deluded or clueless or careless or just out-and-out wrong. Be YOU, regardless of what others are being or doing.

I’m beginning to think, this message is why I’m here. My intention for this incarnation, is to spread the message of following your own path without judging or pushing against anybody else’s path.

Why else would I be so gloriously and singularly weird, spending so much of my time hoping to inspire others to be true to their own glorious singularity?

Sometimes we think the world would be better if everybody agreed with us. But that’s not true. The diversity–including the bits we don’t like–make for a much richer experience. Even the ugliness inspires desire for better. Everything inspires desire for better.

Our job is not to get others to conform. Our job is not to conform. Our job is to be true to ourselves, singularly. And that is more than enough. It’s glorious.

Weekly Tarot Reading

Audio Version of the Weeks Forecast

The Zombie Tarot deck loves repeats. Zombies like to shuffle. Get it?

Funny but true.

Lots of Court Cards this week, which tells us personalities will play a big role in events. A fair number of reversals–some of the expressions of personality that have impact will not be conscious behavior. There is still a lot of delusion, lies, and harsh words out there but it’s not too hard to dodge. Just pay attention to yourself and you bypass 98% of the BS and feel better in the process. Also understand, we definitely are ending the week on a high note. So traveling on the high road pays off!

Monday, Queen of Swords Rx: Be aware of your words. Don’t be in a hurry to cut someone off–in traffic, in words, in deeds, from your life, whatever. Take your time. The Queen of Swords cuts ties swiftly in general. Reversed, she can be a bit hasty. So if you’re getting the urge. set it aside for a minute. Put it on the back burner and wait, okay?

Tuesday, Seven of Pentacles Rx: This energy feels impatient, just like yesterday. All things are developing over time as appropriate. Just chill. Just because you cannot see all the progress doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Take a chill pill and all will be well.

Wednesday, Seven of Cups: The world should go home. It’s drunk. Confused. There’s an irrationality going around. Don’t buy into it–or fight against it, which is a lesser-known way of buying into it. And don’t go drink without a designated driver. Don’t try to fight the distortion. Let it roll over you and pass on by. This really works best. You cannot fight waves, but you can be solid and let them wash over you or you can float atop them. Those that bend will not break.

Thursday, Death: Yesterday’s distortion and upheaval from earlier this week (and before) will come to a culmination. Rotten, the not right, will be exposed. The jig is up! I don’t know what jig we’re talking. But it’s up anywho! On an individual level–stick to what you know and don’t try to control others. Just let it be.

Friday, Knight of Pentacles: Attend to the details and be meticulous. Focus on you, let your neighbors do whatever they are doing. Care for your OWN details and leave the rest.

Saturday, Knight of Swords Rx: Don’t blurt angry words, even if you have to stuff your mouth with Fritos to avoid it. Be kind with your words! The world needs kindness, you need kindness, and it just feels better for everybody.

Sunday, Six of Wands: Love wins. Kindness wins. Joy wins. All the love you’ve planted earlier this week blooms like a beautiful garden. This is an awesome day so enjoy it!

Overview/Advice, King of Pentacles Rx: Don’t try to clean up your neighbors yard or fix anybody else’s issues. Focus this week, eyes on your on paper, clean up your own room, tidy up your own life. Looking for other people’s problems is a fancy way of avoiding your own life. Stay in your own lane, keep your own house in order and let other people handle theirs. You have enough resources for yourself. Use them for yourself.

Affirmation: I am safe in the Universe. All life loves and supports me. It really IS all right. Some of what people are upset and freaking out about? It’s okay. It’s going to be okay. Yes, there are jerks out there but life is okay. All will be fine!

Take care, stay clear, be happy! Are you feeling your glorious singularity?

This week’s forecast features the Zombie Tarot and Louise Hay’s Power Thought Cards.  You may also like my book, Everyday Tarot Archives or to book a private session.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Death, King of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Power Thought Cards, Queen of Swords, Seven of Cups, Seven of Pentacles, Six of Wands, Zombie Tarot

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