Several months ago, I decided to tackle some tasks I had been…putting off, to be unduly generous. Truth was, I was really scared I wouldn’t be able to manage, to work it all out. And if that happened, what would I do? I had to deal. So instead of tackling the unpleasantries, I’d let myself get overwhelmed and just procrastinated the whole mess of chores.
But that didn’t feel good, and it added to anxiety. I opted to handle it and dive in I did, one to-do list at a time. It wasn’t as impossible as I was letting it seem to be…Come to think of it, I’ve got one of those lists building up a little as we speak. Uh oh.
But this coming week? It’s kind of like that.
I’m thinking of this week as “fuzzy math” on multiple fronts. Fuzzy math in the cost-benefit analysis, fuzzy math in the remembrances of yester-year, fuzzy math in the who (or what) carries the most weight category, fuzzy math in the what-you-can-and what-you-cannot accomplish category, and fuzzy math on the “how do you really rate?” question. A whole bunch of fuzzy math! And it’s the kind of problem that may be a little intimdating to even attempt to work out. But you work it out just like you work out anything else…one step at a time.
Monday, Spirit – Seven of Pentacles Reversed: In the position of Spirit, this card says the heart is not in it, and focus is not on the long-term. This is a line in the sand, past which you’re ready to go no further. It’s not the “I’ll do whatever it takes, no matter how long it takes” vibe. It’s the “I’m damn tired and I want to go home now” vibe. I’m not saying you don’t have a choice which urge you act on, or even which one is right for you. But the general urge here is to pack up your toys and go home!
Tuesday, Question, Magician Reversed: Who is pulling the strings? Who is manipulating whom? Who is deftly, perhaps imperceptibly, influencing outcome? The reversed Magician can be very clever and very sneaky, for that matter. I’m seeing one of those shell game street hustlers. Ask yourself who is stacking the odds, who has the most to gain, to stay on top of your game today. Don’t underestimate the quiet ones. Ha!
Wednesday, What to Take From the Past – Nine of Cups: Remember what used to make you feel contented, complete. Do you still have it? Appreciate it! If not so much, what can you do to access similar feelings? There are hints for you today in what used to make you happy. We’re looking for ways to revive that party in the present.
Thursday, Past – Four of Cups Reversed: Rose-colored glasses taking the edge off your memories of days gone by? The “good old days” were not always good, and much you take for granted now at one time was a distant dream. Reconcile the reality of the past with both the challenges and the blessings of the present. It will give you a more stable platform from which to ponder your next move.
Friday, What to Know – The Moon: You cannot argue with crazy. You cannot expect on a liar to confess. You cannot prove your personal, magical knowings to the skeptic. It’s a very fuzzy day, today. Like seeing the world through a soft focus lens. It would be a good time for music, mediation, movies, and all things with a bit of an ethereal, ungraspable quality about them. Not so much with the cold, hard facts, though. Don’t expect the day to be something it’s not and you’re much more likely to be happy with it—instead, exercise you “mystery and magic” muscles and you’ll find it all a lot more satisfying.
Saturday, Hopes and Fears – Two of Wands Reversed: This is a worry over not being up to the tasks at hand. It could be specifically fear surrounding a particular challenge, either from an individual or a specific situation…note that to get this card at all, the potential to hold your ground is already there. You just have to do the rest of your prep work. It’s getting there.
Sunday, What You Can’t Change – King of Pentacles Reversed: No benevolent bailout is waiting. It’s important to look after your own needs today. You can do it! You ARE doing it. So just continue to do it. And feel good about it, okay? That right there is something to be proud of. Taking care of business is awesome!
Overview/Advice – Eight of Swords: Throughout the week, look at those limitations that you attribute to circumstance, outside sources and unchangeable situations with an unwavering objectivity. Because…are they? Are they really? Beware the “Yes-But Syndrome,” where you dismiss available options with a, “Yes, but…” Taking off a self-imposed blindfold could make all the difference in coping and comfort levels.
Affirmation – Breathe. Archangel Raphael: “Take several deep breaths, and exhale slowly to awaken your energy and release old patterns.” Freedom is a good thing—and getting nudged (or smacked) with old patterns gives us the option to release those patterns. This is virtually never a comfortable exercise. But it’s virtually always a valuable one. I’ll take progress over comfort. What about you?
Are you feeling like your life is full of fuzzy math?
Schedule a session with Dixie.
Fuzzy math on this end in regard to why it is I expect myself to do “all the things” to begin with.