July 13

Everyday Tarot, 07/13/11: Fresh Thinking | Ace of Swords


ace-swords-todays-tarot-forecastThere’s the minute, when you really “get” it. A new idea has found it’s way into your sphere of awareness, and all of a sudden, everything  shifts. Snap, click, bam! It takes a bit for your eyes to adjust to the light that’s been flicked on.

Today’s Tarot forecast is the Ace of Sword, or Root of the Powers of Air. It’s the essence of the Air Element—thought, reason, and logic. The Ace of Swords makes things conscious. Maybe it’s a new perspective, a new idea, or a new possibility you haven’t been aware of before.  This thought form is young, though, and will require energy to grow.

Swords like unadorned directness, so let’s oblige.

Look at that fresh inspiration—the one that just hit you? It is every bit as valuable as it seems. Run with it! You can take off, if you follow through.

Have any fresh ideas lately?

Shadowscapes Tarot
by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law

Schedule a consultation with Dixie.

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Ace of Swords, Air Element, Shadowscapes, Tarot Aces, Tarot Swords

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  1. Yeah <3. Good morning Dix. I didn't have to wait the full 2 weeks..just 13 days. Don't you love it when things go click…click..click..POW! in a good way??

    Leaving lots of love here, because I have it overflowing today. Free love! Get your free love here!

  2. Yeah <3. Good morning Dix. I didn't have to wait the full 2 weeks..just 13 days. Don't you love it when things go click…click..click..POW! in a good way??

    Leaving lots of love here, because I have it overflowing today. Free love! Get your free love here!

  3. Good morning, Dixie and all!

    How timely this card is! With Dixie’s ok, here’s a link that might bring some understanding about these energies. Lauren Gorgo is fun to read, and when I read her post, a LOT clicked in for me, and it brought me some peace and understanding of things lately. Josi, this fits right in with your waiting for the full moon!
    I read yesterday’s posts, and I hope you all are doing better today – sending LOTS of hugs and support.

  4. “..when you really “get” it. A new idea has found it’s way into your sphere of awareness, and all of a sudden, everything shifts. Snap, click, bam!”

    Oh Yea I got it! I’d been struggling w/an emotional connection to a situation for over 2 years & always seen & felt it a certain way. Maybe because of eclipse energy or the Grand Cross I was at my wits end on Saturday. Then the turn of a few cards & TALKING it thru (my specialty)you helped me see & feel it in a different light & in an instant I realized the connection was about something completely different. Talk about SNAP, CLICK, BAM & you can add OMG, WTF & ZOINKS-why didn’t I think of this before!

    I found the ROOT & with “unadorned directness” I obliged & cut to the heart of the situation! Everything was out in the “Air” & light was allowed to shine on the “wound” & it’s no longer sub-conscious. Yes, “this thought form is young..& will require energy to grow” & now it can!


    1. I generally think of it that way, yes. It’s the root, the very essence and beginning. So maybe not completely unmanifested, but definitely not developed.

  5. Wow. This totally resonates for me, also. I have a whole new perspective on something (as of yesterday). It feels much more authentic and true than the one I had been buying into and thereby unknowingly supporting for many years. I feel quite liberated and inspired. It does feel young, in me, and like it will require energy and care to help it grow (thanks for pointing that out), and for me to not fall back into the old perspective/beliefs/ways.

    It relates generally to not being so afraid anymore to be “me” (honest, real) in certain situations, even when that may ruffle a few feathers. I have been hiding some parts of myself, adhering to social expectations (to avoid hurting others, to keep the peace, to avoid conflict), and I just finally get it how that doesn’t really serve anyone. I have lead a pretty unconventional life, but… some part of me got stuck and couldn’t see how to get over some pretty heavy duty limits and judgments and “rules” imposed by culture/society.

    Now I feel like there is a way to be honest and authentic in certain situations, and I can do so without causing anything terrible to happen and maybe even make things feel better for self and others. We’ll see.

    1. “It relates generally to not being so afraid anymore to be “me” (honest, real) in certain situations, even when that may ruffle a few feathers.”

      You have no idea how much I related to this, Lilly. :chic:

  6. Thanks to Kim, also, for that link. Yup, yup and yup. Kind nice to get that perspective, too, on what’s has been going on around here.

  7. Been turning an idea over in my mind the next couple days. This gives me a nudge that it’s worth pursuing.

  8. Lots of nice gifts here today! :present: Thanks Josi, I wouldn’t mind some of that. :rainbow: Thanks Kim, I loved that link

    And I would love to have some of Cancer Mom’s energy…!

  9. Sofie,

    Dixie is my extra shot of expresso – LOL! My daughter thinks I was a Labrador in a former life because of how excited I get when I latch on to something I like; a new idea, a new person, a squirrel!

    Her brother is my favorite!

  10. hi there, Dixie- so good to see this column here. re> new ideas: haven’t had too many brand new ideas, but some new perspectives for sure.

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