Jesus Christ. I mean, really! Just…Jesus Christ.
Okay. Okay. I absolutely KNOW not to kvetch and moan about what the cards have to say, because every time I do, I pay for it without exception. But still…I was excited, to draw the first card for my new “Everyday Tarot” column. I expected something…I dunno. Special. Like me!
I did the full-on reading prep. I lit my incense and meditated and prayed and even used some of my homemade Psychic Oil, whipped up under that mega-Neptune Pisces moon a while back. I was ready for magic–a good, solid sign to start off today’s run.
Secretly? I was really hoping to draw the Fool. How perfect would that be, huh? A Major Arcana card at the very least! Except you don’t tell Tarot what you want to see.Tarot tells you what it wants you to see.
Um, yeah. You’d think I’d know that by now.

Today’s Tarot is the Five of Swords, inverted. Also known as “The Lord of Defeat,” he’s associated with Venus in Aquarius. Maybe I should try on some of that famous Antiquarian detachment, huh? Like all Tarot fives, you see this fella pop up surrounding conflict, or to answer the question of who’s running away with the prize. Inverted, don’t expect or strive for a clean sweep. Good enough is good enough here.
The featured rendition from the The Housewives Tarot emphasizes the perfectionism question especially. All those scissors, all those threads hanging off make quite a mess! But you know, the dress still fits. Those details are relevant and important, and the seamstress will get to them in due time. But driving yourself crazy with all those tiny threads can easily lead to overwhelm and maybe even some accidental stabbing!
I have spent the last few days feverishly tweaking this website in preparation for starting Everyday Tarot. I fussed and mussed with code and graphics and thought and planned and did everything I could think of to start out strong. I wanted it to be perfect! Profound! Insightful and delightful! (I think all those kind comments I got ending the Daily Tarot went to my head.)
All that striving for perfection left me finding fault with what I might ordinarily consider to be an excellent initial effort. Those remaining threads will just have to wait. As I told a client yesterday, “We’re fresh out of perfect.” And we are. So today, we’ve got the best I can manage. That’s often better than I give myself credit for. You too? And really, good enough IS good enough. Because it has to be.
Are you happy with the best you can manage?

Reminds me of the guy who built my pole barn for me. He’d step back and look at something he just did, and say “Yep. Good enough for who it’s for.”
And I’d laugh. He did a perfect job.
Yay, Dixie! Even tho it was just a few days, I missed you.
When my parents were rehabbing a house they’d purchased, one of the neighbors would regularly stop by and check their progress. He always asked them why they made it so nice, and said, “It’s good enough for renters!” It became a standing joke, good enough for renters. Good enough is always in the eye of the beholder, I guess.
Whatever you write, it’s always what we need to hear.
Marly, you should start linking your blog in the comments here. It’s lovely!
Thanks, Dixie!! I’m glad you like it!
As usual, it fits. I live as well as I can, but sometimes, good enough is just as good as the right way. True in housekeeping, and true in life.
This message is perfect because I have two days in which to do a project that needs a week.
Ok, let go of the perfectionism!
Good luck, sofie!
Glad to know you’re here. Best of luck.
Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone, glad to be reading again!
Seems to me this was exactly the message you were supposed to get. Good enough *is* always in the eye of the beholder. And usually we are our own worst critics.
P.S. I *heart* my little avatar monster!
Oh, your first ‘Everyday Tarot’ post, and I’m a day late! I was busy yesterday trimming threads Ya, the ‘Fool’ would have been ‘too’ perfect for the first post- who woulda believed it?! Congrats and sorry I was late!
I’m a late comer too… but I like your site, Dixie. And I always need the message you’ve started your journey with… how’s that for a non-perfect sentence with a dangling participle??
Why, it’s good enough!
Congrats on your new web presence, Dixie.
Actually, the card you drew today was perfect. I’ve been knee-deep in the mindset you describe as “All that striving for perfection left me finding fault”. My younger son (age 32) arrives in New Zealand in 4 days. He’s coming from USA for a visit. I’ve been cleaning, tweaking, preparing. And as you say, “…all those tiny threads can easily lead to overwhelm and maybe even some accidental stabbing!”. Yeah, that would be me. Enough, already! I’m glad you pulled the nasty ole 5 of Swords today. It’s what this mom needed! I’m chillin’ out now, will put the scissors away, and enjoy the sweet anticipation. Perfection isn’t what my son is hoping for. Me neither. Thanks for the Five!
Have a good visit, Nancy.
Love your new venue, Dixie!
Sometimes I’m happy with the best I can manage, and sometimes not so happy. It depends on what sort of emotional investment I’ve made in the project at hand. Sometimes it’s just a matter of available time and resources that determine the happy factor.
What if you read that reversed 2 of Swords as Venus Retrograde in Aquarius?
You know, that would not have occurred to me I don’t think, cj. You are giving me all kinds of new ideas…
Praise Lupa and her linky-linky heart, I found you!
I like it, Dixie. Everyone needs a reminder to not obsess sometimes.