August 15

08/16/13: Sacred Space / Four of Wands



In the Gaian Tarot’s Four of Wands (Fire), we see a woman with her magic circle about and four candles,  presumably in the four quarters (compass directions). This woman is undoubtedly getting her “ritual on” under the full moon.

Now, I frequently read the Four of Wands as a safe haven—the happy home, and that certainly applies here in that she’s set up her own sacred space. But this version seems to also emphasize to the rite of passage nuance of the card as well. Often Full moon rituals are those of maximizing, gain and drawing in what you want.

Take a minute today to consider your space—physical and energetic. Is it full of what you desire? Tidy up if need be, getting rid of what does not serve you. Then claim yourself a corner, an oasis, a tiny chunk of real estate to serve as sacred space and safe haven. This is an act of creation, symbolic of what you want to create in your life. I don’t care if it’s a real-world, physical space or an astral plane space or a listening-to-Nina-Simone-makes-me-feel-good space.

Just make it yours. And populate it with what you want. It matters.

Do you have a sacred space?

Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert

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Four of Wands, Gaian Tarot, Sacred Garden

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