August 17

Four of Pentacles & Ace of Swords: Next Clear Step


I think people have pretty much always lamented how awful the world is. There’s plenty of stuff to feel bothered over, if you’re looking around for it.

But what if that “wrong” that we see is a force for good?

It’s what people see as “wrong” that directs thought towards what they see as right. It becomes an  impetus of growth and evolution. Sometimes it’s painful and messy. Renovation work can be a little chaotic in progress. But that doesn’t make the end result any less lovely.

Out of manure, beautiful flowers bloom.

Nowadays, I try to be respectful of everyone’s intention, whether or not I agree with any part of it. I want to be more kind. The trick to reaching for greater kindness is stepping back from judgement.

It’s tempting to measure everything against the yardstick of “What would I do?” But everyone isn’t me! We’ve lived different lives. We’ve interpreted our experiences in ways specific to our beliefs and whatever influences we were feeling at the time.

I don’t need to fault someone for being who they are, nor plot how I will straighten them out. My job is loving, not fixing. Sometimes, that’s harder to manage of the two approaches, but always worth the trouble.

Next Week in Tarot

We have the week’s forecast coming in as the Four of Pentacles, with advice from the Ace of Swords–cards from the lovely Star Tarot deck.

It’s an interesting rendition of the Four–the stone portal dominates, with the symbols of the four elements on each corner. Now the scene features a swan and is guarded by a dragonfly. You think there are some important changes being referenced? Because that symbolism pretty much screams change.

That portal isn’t flimsy. It’s solid and the foundation for change is just as solid. Tarot fours are a stable energy. So throughout this week, expect whatever exists is a sturdy foundation for what’s to come, regardless of whether or not it’s clear how exactly that all fits together.

The most involved, most complicated changes have multiple layers. The Universe orchestrates this, not the individual. At least, if you want it done well, you back off.

Let the Universe do its job and orchestrate, will ya?

The Ace of Swords suggests an aim for clear and focused thought. Any action taken should be decisive under this influence, but not taken until the path appears natural, the obvious next step. Not rushing to the end of the race, mind you. NEXT CLEAR STEP. Next clear step. That’s all you’re aiming for here.

The Ace of Swords does not need to backtrack or second-guess. The Ace is also not rushed, because once that clear choice is made, the energy moves fast. So don’t move until you’ve ready and you know you’re ready because you’re sure. There’s no angst about the decisions here. You will know.

In short: It’s not up to you to line up all the pieces next week. Just stay focused on the next clear step in your own lane. That’s all you need.

Give me a holler if you’d like some help getting your focus on. And have a great week!

Peace Out.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Ace of Swords, Four of Pentacles, Star Tarot

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