April 21

04/21/12: Count those blessings up! | 6 Pentacles


“A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.” Joseph Addison

Here’s a great example of how “soft” the Psychic Tarot oracle can be sometimes. We’ve got the Six of Pentacles (Moon in Taurus). I often see this card in the context of charity or divided efforts. Yes, with charity, there is the implication someone has more than enough, so they can share. But simply prosperity, be it material or spiritual, I generally think of as more the Ten of Pentacles realm.

Whatever form, though, I always feel the need with this card to formally acknowledge what one has—especially that which we take for granted. Not everyone has what I do! Not everyone has what you do. It makes sense to acknowledge the blessings we have. It’s annoyingly human to focus first and foremost on lack, but really, why would ya want to?

Tarot is giving us a nudge today, not only to enumerate blessings, but to really FEEL them. You know? On every level, material, sure, but also those more ethereal gifts we have in our lives.

I think of the many good things in my life I sometimes take for granted, from having enough food to being smart, to having a loving husband who supports me in my endeavors, however “unusual” they may be! I KNOW this is a big deal, because I talk to people all the time who aren’t lucky enough to have this type of support.

What wonderful blessings do you sometimes forget about?

The Psychic Tarot Oracle Cards: a 65-Card Deck, plus booklet!
by John Holland

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Psychic Tarot Oracle, Six of Pentacles

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  1. Here’s another example of why I really like this deck, Dixie. The focus is on what we have, not what we don’t have. By removing the beggars from the card, Holland urges us to focus on the blessings we already have. Start counting those and more are sure to come. Thanks for the reminder.

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