Too much “things can never change” leaves people depressed and unmotivated. Too much “living in a dream world” leaves people unmotivated and ill-equipped to deal with current situations. We fare best with a balanced diet of now and then.
Today’s Tarot forecast is the Four of Cups or Lord of Blended pleasure, associated with the Moon in Cancer. We’re talking one serious drink, man! Our housewife is thinking it over, but somehow, I suspect there’s no way for her to gauge how that drink is going to go down. And also little reason to think it would be substantially different than the other three she just threw back, you know?
The Four of Cups reminds me that all is not always what it appears. Fantasy has a way of being so…perfect, you know? There’s not dishes and bills and dirty laundry to soil the illusion of bliss. Day-to-day isn’t always so neat but to me, it’s superior because it’s real. And not just in the physical, time-space kind of reality, but “real” in the sense it’s not predictable and tidy and already wrapped up with a bow.
I grow from reality! I am surprised. I bend, I flex, I learn and I change from the cups I’ve actually drinking. And if I don’t like the drink? Then let’s check the recipe, to see what all went into making it. Then, I’m equipped to mix up a tastier drink. :drink:
For me, the Four of Cups is about being fully present, wherever you are in life. Right here, right now, experiencing and understanding what is first—then, some attention directed toward where you want to head provides guidance on your next step. Not all your attention, but enough to see and act on the potential.
So we’re searching for the sweet spot, to merge dreams with present for the most fulfilling overall experience. Because neither a life without dreams or dreams without life satisfies. Let’s drink a little from both. But responsibly, please!
How are your dreams looking?
![]() | The Housewives Tarot by Paul Kepple |
Schedule a consultation with Dixie.
Dixie, I love your writing style, and your interpretations. I look forward to reading them every morning. BUT: You are not helping with my deck addiction… I now need the housewives tarot.
:laugh: That Housewives Tarot is a very fun deck, I can’t lie. It often makes me laugh.
I just discovered I could link on that four of cups and it would take me to other things you wrote about other four of cups cards, on other days. Really interesting, because this card is the one that fits for me today, more than any of the others (though those others add some more to the picture). Very cool! Thanks.