May 26

Four of Cups: Flowers in the Weeds


When life is not coming up roses, look to the weeds and find the beauty hidden within them. –L.F.  Young

What do you do, when life is not cruising along in line with your preferences? 

Maybe you sell for a living, and the world doesn’t seem to be buying. Or maybe you got a new job, and it’s just not what you’d hoped.  Maybe your relationship isn’t full of relating. Or maybe your kids are giving you fits. Whatever you’re looking at you don’t like, and it’s got you wound up in knots.

But here’s where it gets interesting. You have a choice, in every given moment.

You can focus on what’s wrong and work up a full-blown emotional explosion. You just start ramping up what you don’t like in your head and it grows.  Or you can reach for whatever feels the least little bit better and look for some beauty in the weeds.

[bctt tweet=”Seek the beauty in the weeds. There always is some. #OnMyRadar” username=”goddess_dix”]

How you feel about an unwanted situation is never, ever dictated by that situation. It cannot be by definition, because reaction is never external. A sense of well-being is not something that life bestows upon us, by doling out superior circumstances.

We generate our own happiness, through actively and consciously focusing on what pleases us, what we appreciate in any situation. This has nothing to do with outer circumstances and everything to do with what we practice every day.

We give the outside world far too much credit for (and therefore, too much control over) the state of our own well-being. Well-being is always an inside job, friends. When you don’t like what’s in front of you, fair enough. Your flowers aren’t blooming. You’re in the middle of the weeds. So start looking for the beauty there. Understand when life isn’t flowing smoothly, you are getting a nudge–maybe a hard nudge–to shift your energy. And that’s truly a helpful thing.

If we habitually complain and fuss (even internally) about everything that’s wrong in our world? Rough times are going to hit harder.  But if we have a habit of looking for the beauty anyplace we can find it, weeds or not? Life feels better, right then and there.

The less it feels like you have to appreciate in a given moment, the more important it is to do just that.

It helps. Every single time, it helps.

Next week in Tarot: Dream it Up

We have the Four of Cups (or 4 of Water from the Good Tarot) and the Venice Mallow Hibiscus from the Botanical Inspirations deck: Delicate, Fleeting Beauty.

I just got back from flower shopping with my daughter. She took home some Hibiscus that was speaking to her. Hibiscus is associated with love, dreams and divination. The Venice Mallow variety is sometimes known as the “Flower-of-an-hour” because of the short time it opens its blooms in the morning.

If you see a bloom? Take it in, right then and there.

The Four of Cups is always a dreamy energy–here, we’re considering what we don’t have, or perhaps imagining what we might want. You are the dreamer of this dream. It’s up to you to guide it.

This week, I expect we’ll have opportunities to dream up, or dream down wherever we are standing. This active steering of attention and imagination is a very effective way of flowing energy.  Make a practice of putting out what you want to get, because that’s how you tune this. And a very easy way to find the sweet spot here is looking for the good, the flowers, wherever you are.

Weeds or not, look for the flowers!

Are you finding flowers in your weeds?

If you want some support re-orienting, give me a holler for a one-on-one.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Botanical Inspirations, Four of Cups, Good Tarot, Hibiscus, Venice Mallow

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  1. I’m right this minute having a double-pronged water issue in my basement. It’s dripping from the pipes. And it’s coming in from outside. Two unrelated problems that decided to happen at the same time. Your post is timely.

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