There are certain periods where it’s challenging, to write these columns. But I think it’s probably also more important during those times. I know a lot of people are crunched right now, and I’ve got the cards to back it up!
Today’s Tarot forecast is a 3-card spread. We’ve got the Chariot, Justice, and Death. All Major Arcana, all inverted. Le sigh!
You think there’s some pressure out there right now? You think people are uncertain and feeling lost? I sure do! Expect confusion over right and wrong, a general feeling a being out of whack, and possibly a sense of loss over a situation deteriorating. Challenges abound, no “if’s, and’s or but’s” about it.
So where’s my customary sunshine and roses spin? Because I do really believe you can (and have to) work with the energy you have on tap.
Well, the sense of focus, fairness and truth that seem so illusive now isn’t utterly inaccessible. It’s present, or we wouldn’t be getting these cards to begin with. It’s just inconstant. So the job is pulling ourselves in line with it.
Note where your zone of impact truly resides. Others do not grant or deny you happiness; others do not dictate your choices. Let go of what anyone else “should” do—ultimately they will do as they see fit, just as you will. We can influence at times, but cannot dictate. Be even-handed in your dealings, but realize the only control you can effectively exercise is self-control. That’s what you work here.
Look to where you’re feeling the pain, and skip the easy, superficial answers you’ve accepted previously. Ask, “Why? What’s behind this issue?” Do a little digging in your feelings because there’s some kind of fear or pain buried within. Protective instincts can serve us, but can also prolong difficulty if we hold on to them past their useful life span. It’s important to question the difference.
Make adjustments for YOU, to live the life and be the person you want to be; that, in turn, impacts everyone and everything else. Accept there will be challenges (because, well, there WILL be challenges) and orient yourself to doing the best you know how with them. Forgive lapses, because there will be some as well.
These are all powerful, transformative cards—inverted, we know it’s a rough ride, but the fact they’re here at all makes it clear we’re making important shifts. Stay mindful, and don’t forget to call on friends and loved ones for help sorting it out.
How you doing with changes?
![]() Tarot: The Complete Kit by Dennis Fairchild |
Schedule a consultation with Dixie.
I just write a blog, Death while living. Ironic. I know the through the motion and movement of life, justice balances our lives out along the way…one way or another. I have too many illnesses and car accidents not to know that the Universe is attempting to get my attention… And with a couple near death experiences, I know the feeling of rebirth… the pains of labor and being pushed out… ready or not. Surrender is a beautiful thing. It makes the journey easier for me. I am going through the dearth period now… open to the new possibilities awaiting me… soon. Thanks Dixie.
Well, Dixie, this is right where I’m at. (And why am I not surprised with these cards? lol!)
Clearing. All the gunk held in my body, in my cells, in the generations behind and ahead of me. Constantly on the lookout to see if what I’m sensing/thinking/feeling is mine or not. (Guess what. Most of it isn’t mine.)
It feels like the more I clear, the more that comes up.
But I will keep at it. It seems to shift back to “peace” quicker and quicker, so I believe I’m making headway!
Thank you, Dixie. And sending hugs to everyone who needs/wants one!
So if I pay some attention to the little feelings of pain instead of ignorning and trying to hide them, I can start to heal them?
There are some deep issues that can rise to the surface if I let them. I want to say “leave me alone I don’t want to deal with it.”
Kim, so profound to reference the generations. My mom is kind of nuts, because her mom was kind of nuts, because my great-grandma was really nuts. I was subjected to their stuff, and still trying to rise above it. Trying not to pass it on to my kid. I guess we’re evolving.
I would be so grateful for any kind thoughts, prayers, light. My nutty mom is back in the hospital, even worse. But still telling me she doesn’t like what I’m wearing each day. I’m trying to keep a light atmosphere, so I just throw each comment back to her as a joke, and then I went and cleaned her house until midnight.
So Kim, thanks for the hugs! And Dixie thanks for solutions!!!!
{{{sofie}}} I’m sorry. Sending love your way, m’dear.
Hang in there!!!! Prayers and good ju-ju comin’ at ya.
I think we all need a group hug about now!
So where do we go from here? I just re-created a scene from 35 years ago (28+7). I thought I had come so far, only to return to the beginning of the end. :::le sigh:::