August 14

08/14/11: En Route, Still… | Three of Wands Reversed



“In spite of everything I shall rise again: I will take up my pencil, which I have forsaken in my great discouragement, and I will go on with my drawing.” Vincent Van Gogh

Often failure comes from giving up too soon, more a lack of flexibility rather than lack of ability.

wands03sToday’s Tarot forecast is the Three of Wands reversed or Lord of Established Strength, associated with Aries Sun. I think of it as  “waiting for your ship to come in.” I do sometimes see this card for literally expecting a package.

But more often, it’s about having put effort and energy into an enterprise, being at the point where you’re looking to see if your efforts will pay off. This is not a passive waiting to receive, like the High Priestess. It’s more an expectation, for direct results of efforts to bear fruit.

Tarot Threes are creative, giving birth to new directions and Wands are the Fire element, so it’s been an active process. Tarot Nova’s minimalist artwork gives us an interesting perspective—reversed, I’d ask if you are taking a long-term view? Or are you becoming impatient and antsy, wanting to force the issue? The pen suggests you’ve been writing the future, even if you weren’t fully aware of it.

Perhaps concerns at this point aren’t so much an indication of failure as not seeing far enough ahead, discounting what you’ve already put out there as unimportant. It’s not.

The reversed Three of Wands reminds me to be patient and more, to give myself credit for the foundation I’ve built! Even if that ship doesn’t pull in exactly on schedule with exactly the cargo I’d expected, I know it is my ship IS coming and there is something of value on it for me. Got to keep the faith I’ll figure out what to do with it.

Are you watching for any ships?

Tarot: The Complete Kit
by Dennis Fairchild

Schedule a consultation with Dixie.

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Aries Sun, Tarot Nova, Tarot Threes, Tarot Wands, Three of Wands

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  1. “Even if that ship doesn’t pull in exactly on schedule with exactly the cargo I’d expected, I know it is my ship IS coming and there is something of value on it for me. Got to keep the faith I’ll figure out what to do with it.”
    Geez. On target again, Dixie!!! Thank you SO much. It’s exactly how I feel – I know the energy is pouring in, I know it must be huge, ’cause my body is freaking out, and I can’t see yet what I’m gonna do with it.
    So, for now, I’m gonna do this.
    Send it to all of you to receive if you wish.

    Be happy. Be healed. Know that you are loved, and you are powerful beyond measure.

    (And have a great day, everybody!!!)

  2. “The reversed Three of Wands reminds me to be patient and more, to give myself credit for the foundation I’ve built!” Dixie, I woke up thinking of you & this specific statement sums up why & what I’m able to do with so much more ease now.

    I am not waiting for “OTHERS” ships to come in. Yes, I drove them to the dock & offered them my binoculars-she turned them down of course LOL. I’m even hanging out at the dock as well BUT I’m here working on a few ships/boats/dingys of my own. Do I look up from time to time to see what’s on the horizion HELL YEA but I’m not sitting in my boat’s crow’s nest with the satellite hook-up checking to see what’s on the horizion.

    Welcomed reminders!

  3. Wait… I know there’s a smiley for my reaction to this card today… here it is:

    I can’t even begin to explain how apropos this card AND this reading is for me today. I’ve been receiving this exact message about a certain situation in my life over the last week or two: don’t force the issue. The work you’ve done so far was not in vain. The ships are coming in. Be patient.

    And today, once again, I was agonizing over my recent decision, wondering if I made the right choice, wondering if I just threw it all out the window, wondering if I need to DO something more (Mars in Aries… can’t be patient… gotta DO something.)

    And then I read this. Again, unequivocally, I’m told to BE PATIENT! DO NOT try to force this! Back away from the chalupa!

    Point totally taken! Thanks for the divine smack upside the head, Dixie!

  4. Yes.

    There’s a position for my organization in another state I was offered and they keep telling me they will provide info regarding salary and such.
    The thinking is since I currently work for the company that I can have a lot of patience. When I’m in fact tired by how much my work dictates my life and waiting. While, yes very good things are coming my way as a result of this move. But my enthusiasm has waned for this project causing stress and sleep loss. I even said I would reconsider their offer when communication kept changing from what was original said and I had to call. I don’t need life to be on my terms but I’m just drained now.

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