August 11

08/10/11: Reversed Two of Wands | Whose choice is it?



“In dwelling, live close to the ground. In thinking, keep to the simple. In conflict, be fair and generous. In governing, don’t try to control. In work, do what you enjoy. In family life, be completely present.” –Lao Tzu

Today’s Tarot forecast is the reversed Two of Wands or Lord of Dominion, associated with Mars in Aries.  Whereas the traditional RWS shows a single man between two wands (worlds?), the Morgan-Greer (and the Transparent Tarot version we saw recently) indicate two people—with objectives pretty evenly matched judging by stance, although the wealthy fellow holding the globe probably has the upper hand here. Should he use it?

As Tarot Twos suggest duality, polarity or mixed feelings, I often find two appearing in the context of a choice to be made. Reversed, I’d expect it’s not a choice you can make alone or for another. While you can use your vision and to some extent, your power and position to advocate, you’re best off not trying to force your will. Mars in Aries has the potential to be a bit overbearing that way.

So maybe it’s time to tell ourselves, “It’s not my choice, my life or my problem.” Sure, other people’s lives impact us. We are social creatures who live and love and want good for those we care about. But sometimes, the “good” is respecting their right to live their own lives and learn their own lessons. Your right is  The control we want to exercise now is self-control.

Sure, you can make your case. Just know it’s not the only case to be made. If you strong-arm you preferred implementation, there’s liable to be blowback. Don’t be surprised. You’d likely have the same reaction, if someone were trying to force you onto a different route.

The inverted Two of Wands reminds me of what’s mine  I have the responsibility to live my own life the best I can, which implies leaving others to live theirs as well. My real choice is in whom and what I invite into my realm of experience.

Do you have a hard time letting others disagree?

Morgan-Greer Tarot Deck
by Bill Greer & Lloyd Morgan

Schedule a consultation with Dixie.

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Inverted, Mars in Aries, Morgan-Greer, Tarot Twos, Tarot Wands, Two of Wands

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  1. Nah, they can disagree all they want to. What they CAN’T do, is tell ME what I should be thinking.
    Great card, Dixie, and thank you.
    Good morning, everybody!

  2. Cheers, Kim!

    And yep, Dixie, you knocked another one out of the park!
    For me, it’s all about realizing what’s mine to decide and own, and what isn’t. I have Mars in Aries in my natal chart, so that part about the will being overbearing? Umm, yeah. I’ll own that. But I’ve been able to get a handle on it, much like the way you’ve delineated this 2 of Wands today.

    I can agree to disagree, and it’s all amicable.

  3. Well, yeah, sometimes I do. But that usually leads me to wondering, why the heck is this such a big deal to me? Because typically it’s not as important to the other person I’m trying to convince. So, I stop arguing and try to figure that out.

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