August 17

08/17/11: Heartbreak to Hope | 10 of Swords, 6 of Swords, Page of Cups


IMG_1528In the middle of crisis, every trial feels permanent. Every problem feels insurmountable. And every cloud in the sky looks like a killer storm brewing. It’s not really, but it sure looks that way.

Today’s Tarot forecast is a 3-card spread from the Transparent Tarot that seems to capture that feeling in the air while still suggesting a bright spot to sail toward. I like that!

  • Ten of Swords or Lord of Ruin, associated with Gemini Sun (Sorry, Gemini—it’s not personal!)
  • Six of Swords or Lord of Earned Success, associated with Mercury in Aquarius
  • Page of Cups or Princess of the Waters, associated with Earth of Water

The upshot—yeah, there have been betrayals, overreactions, possibly double-dealing and in general, folks in the vicinity have not always acted in good faith or with your best interests at heart. Whether it was conscious or not is a lot less relevant than we may care to admit.

The worst is definitely over—time to start pulling the swords out and let the healing commence. You are moving toward new shores here, but those wounds are still healing and sometimes, they still hurt.

Know the pain is both temporary and indication of a deeper understanding. Facing up  doesn’t permanently scar emotionally—it allows you to detach so you can sail away.

The best news, though—the Page of Cups promises heartbreak heals. The sense of newness, passion and emotional openness that may seem inaccessible in this moment is coming—that’s the point of all this letting go and moving on stuff, man. That’s how you get there.

Are you feeling this? How’s your trip?

The Transparent Tarot
by Emily Carding

Schedule a consultation with Dixie.

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3-Card Spread, Gemini, Mercury in Aquarius, Page of Cups, Six of Swords, Ten of Swords, Transparent Tarot

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  1. Josi, I LOVE Dora and I so wish I could speak whale-LOL.

    That damned 6 of swords again! Lots of trips right now & I just have to make sure I book passage only on the ships that embark on MY journey, not another’s destination. Lot’s of stories about people who did and didn’t end up on the Titanic by strange circumstances. I know I would’ve been one of those people who shouldn’t have been aboard but I would’ve found my way on there somehow.

    If I detach & don’t continue to put energy into a situation, or pack their steamer truck for their trip, then it makes everyone’s trips easier because loss is hard enough as it is.

    Good stuff Dixie.

  2. Wow. This is really… well… beautiful after recent (non)events. I like this.

    I’m just boarding that boat right now. What’s done is done. Time to know healing and sail to that better shore, where the Page of Cups is waiting to give me the sweetest, most perfect cup of wine.

    Yeah… it’s worth it!

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