July 26

Releasing Regret: Weekly Tarot Forecast, July 27 – August 2


Regret is on my radar this week. After tragedy hits, it’s so easy to find a million and one ways it might have been avoided–at least, that’s how it goes down in the imagination. Things you did or didn’t say and do play out over and over from every angle, like a broken record in your brain that just won’t stop.

We generally do the best we can. But what does one do when their “best,” in retrospect, doesn’t feel like “enough?” That’s the sort of regret that’s on my mind right now and  I find some comfort in this week’s affirmation.

[bctt tweet=”#Peace comes from remembering that only #love is real. #affirmation #quotes”]

Anything that doesn’t feel like love? You can release it. It’s okay.

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This week doesn’t look especially easy to me. Emotional fluctuation is evident. The good news is, there are up’s as well as down’s. Maybe this will hit your personally or maybe it won’t, but either way, it’s good to stay aware of the bigger picture for some. The keys to making the best of it–personal or not, by the way–are held in the advice and affirmation cards.

Monday, Conflict and Defeat – Five of Swords: There is a heaviness, a tiredness for some folks today. An air of resignation about this. Retreating for some rest and recuperation is the best strategy if you can manage it. And if are not one hit by the heaviness, be kind to others because you never know what weight they carry in their own heart.

Tuesday, Emotional Loss – Five of Cups: Palpable loss and pain. Seek comfort and solace in the affection of loved ones. “Normal” as you knew it may not be possible, but a new normal can become possible

Wednesday, Victory & Success – Six of Wands: Some hope, recognition or acknowledgement. A welcome respite for anyone struggling.

Thursday, Fulfillment of Wishes – Nine of Cups: Speaks for itself, really. A wish comes true. May it give you hope and strength, if you’re in short supply.

Friday, Sacrifice – Hanged Man: Let go. Release. Do nothing. Allow all feelings, whatever they are, to wash over you, through you, and drift away beyond you. Do what you need to do, for the greater good.

Saturday, Material and Spiritual Prosperity – Six of Pentacles reversed: This weekend holds some rewards, but some discontent as well. There’s a tendency to not trust what is going well. Look for trusted advisors to use as sounding boards if it helps.

Sunday, Material Harvest – Nine of Pentacles reversed: Evaluate budgets and spending. This doesn’t mean you’ll run short so much as you want to be sure you’re getting the best value from all your investments–financial and energetically. Specifically seek out reasons to be grateful.

Advice/Overview: Disruption – The Tower reversed: Minimize disruption. During emotionally challenging times, turn to routine, familiarity, and checking items off your list to carry you. If your default “normal” is not available, start to construct a new normal. There is comfort in the everyday activities. Simple chores, small rituals of living, a regular sleep schedule and nutritious food are some of your tools in minimizing disruption. Honor your feelings, but don’t completely set aside the business of life. That “business of life” bit can get you through a lot.

Affirmation – Archangel Chamuel: “Peace comes from remembering that only love is real.” So often, upsetting words are misunderstood, even by the person speaking them. What you’re saying to others is most often a reflection of how you’re feeling about yourself. We see everything–EVERYTHING–though the filter of our perception and emotional state at the time. And that filter can be very hazed or distorted. That filter doesn’t necessarily reflect reality.

Love is not physical proximity. Love does not reside in some magic words to set things aright or secure a particular outcome. Love doesn’t require acquiescing to another’s desires, or really any action at all. Love is an intention, a state of being that can be held in the heart for one and all–family, friends and strangers. Love can transcend time and space and physicality. In that way, love is the only thing that is real.

How are you doing out there?


If you enjoy these forecasts, you might like Dixie’s book, Everyday Tarot Archives. This week’s reading features the Psychic Tarot Oracle and Archangel Oracle Cards. Schedule a private session with Dixie here.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Affirmations, Five of Cups, Five of Swords, Nine of Cups, Nine of Pentacles, Six of Pentacles, Six of Wands, The Hanged Man, The Tower

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  1. “if it doesn’t feel like love. You can release it.” Hit me square between the eyes. And, yeah, I kinda needed permission

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