June 27

Everyday Tarot, 06/27/11: Short-Circuit Conflict / Five of Wands


five-wands-tarot-forecastUh oh. “There are no bad cards. Really. There are no bad cards. Seriously.” I remind myself. I mean, you’d think I was talking about The Tower or the Three of Swords or something. But no.

I hate conflict. So I wince when I see the Five of Wands. Last time I drew it for Everyday Tarot, I pulled two more cards so he would have less attention. (That’s legal.) Evidently, he still wants to be heard. Tarot is kind of insistent like that. And thank God! Who knows how much I’d miss, otherwise?! I can be oblivious.

Registered and duly addressed, oh Source. Thank you. “Conflict” is the topic today.

Today’s Tarot forecast is the Five of Wands or “Lord of Strife,” associated with Saturn in Leo. Tarot fives highlight conflict, although it’s useful to remember that not all conflict is negative. Some conflict is necessary and highly productive. Remember this, Dixie.

This version from Legacy of the Divine is especially interesting, because all the attackers shoot off as branches from the same tree. I sometimes get this version for internal conflicts, or situations where the parties fighting have the same goal, but radically different visions of how to get there.

I keep coming back to, “As within, so without.” It doesn’t matter where the perceived roots of the conflict lie. Internal and external mirror each other; that’s how energy works. Conflicts that suck emotional energy are all indications of attachments to some vision of reality—maybe how other people should behave or how the world should work or how you should be treated.

When I’m very upset with others, I know it’s because it triggers some nerve in me. If I’m livid over disloyalty, maybe it’s stimulating an old wound, or aggravating self-doubts, or causing me to question my own loyalties. Or whatever. If I’m hurting, there has to remain a predisposing vulnerability that allows pain in. The more upset, the bigger the pond we’re diving in.

That’s not to say I have to like everything, that everybody does. Good God, no! The question is, how much does it knock me off my game, take away my own sense of balance, disrupt my own energy flow?

One way to short-circuit is reaching under the surface and tugging at triggering roots. It takes some of the punch out, knowing why you’re feeling what you are, and gives options for shoring up. Those attacks don’t feel so personal anymore. The more responsibility (Saturn) I can take for managing my own show (Leo), the more powerful I am—and the fewer situations able to disrupt my peace, you know?

The Five of Wands reminds me that conflict is an inevitable and vital catalyst for change, but feeling conflicted is purely optional. Opt-out.

Do you see this connection, or something else at work?

Legacy of the Divine Tarot
by Ciro Marchetti

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Five of Wands, Legacy of the Divine, Polarity, Saturn in Leo, Tarot Fives, Tarot Wands

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  1. Saturn in Leo tells me, “Get your ego in check” I could stand to be reminded of that everyday.

    I see this as a pre-eclipse ping. I expect we will be pinged quite a bit in the next week. I hate conflict too, even though it does bring benefit. I feel the universe could come up with a memo or email system that could deliver these messages instead. But..oooooh noooo…where is the drama in that right?

    Can I relate? *gulp* yep..and the type of situation you described just screamed “WORKPLACE CONFLICT” to me. oh yay..i love fighting with those ppl the most. NOT!

  2. “because all the attackers shoot off as branches from the same tree”. For me this has 2 meanings;

    1. Internal Conflicts: “that suck emotional energy are all indications of attachments to some vision of reality—maybe how other people should behave or how the world should work”. I’m pissed w/ myself because it showed up and I HOPPED BACK ON THE F#%@ING GERBIL WHEEL – I WANT OFF!! I’m SO MUCH better than before but GEESH!!!!

    2. Family Tree: I don’t want any FAMILY CONFLICT! I need to take care of MY responsibilities & stay on MY path.

    Good Stuff Dixie

    1. (((CancerMom)))

      I think it’s very normal to have moments like that. I certainly get them, anyway. But there is a huge advantage in having done work already on them–it’s easier to see, easier to understand, and easier to work with with when it’s not new anymore.

  3. …”that suck emotional energy are all indications of attachments to some vision of reality—maybe how other people should behave or how the world should work.” That is sooo well articulated, thank you. You know… if ever you decide to put your own oracle or other book out there, I am going to buy several copies. Meantime, I love this daily thing and thank you for it!

  4. “I keep coming back to, “As within, so without.” It doesn’t matter where the perceived roots of the conflict lie. Internal and external mirror each other; that’s how energy works. Conflicts that suck emotional energy are all indications of attachments to some vision of reality—maybe how other people should behave or how the world should work or how you should be treated.”

    I completely agree with Lilly. Such a wonderful, sane perspective, as always. You have a way of cutting through the B.S. right to the beating heart of the matter.

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