No getting away from it. If you’ve got an ouchie, it just stings. You feel the sting, accept it, and keep on living, you know? As much and as soon as you can manage, you keep on living.
Today’s Tarot Forecast is the Five of Cups or “Lord of Loss in Pleasure,” associated with Mars in Scorpio. Quite elegantly, this card speaks to loss and grieving.
I like this version, because the woman here does hold the remaining two cups instead not seeing, having the emotional value behind her, as traditionally illustrated. She still feels the pain, but at least, she knows what she still has intact!
I think of Five of Cups energy as akin to eating something that’s toxic—you feel sick and it seems like it will last forever, but the poison just has to be processed before it leaves your system. It sure is challenging to think in those terms when you are reeling from nausea, though.
The good news is that Tarot fives are very dynamic, active forces. You don’t stay here forever. This energy is invariably in motion, and while the impact may linger, the emotional state generally doesn’t unless you actively nurse it. “Change” is just as much a keyword here as “conflict.”
When I’m in this place, all to be done, really, is accept the emotional upset as normal, necessary, and healthy to acknowledge—riding it out. The reaction (Mars) comes from deep within (Scorpio), and it’s not especially pretty. But it is real, and feeling it is part of expending that gut-churning sorrow, you know? It takes massive energy expenditures to try and submerge and deny this, so it’s often a better bet to allow it.
The Five of Cups signals me to acknowledge sorrow and loss. Do make efforts to protect what remains of what you value, but don’t try to recreate the circumstances you’ve lost. Truly, things never will be the same. That’s okay—you can love yourself and what comes anyway. It doesn’t mean things cannot be as good or better than before. Just not the same.
You feeling the Five of Cups?
![]() by Ciro Marchetti |
Schedule a consultation with Dixie.
Yes I am. And I absolutely concur that this is not forever. But, I think it is also important to remind people that even though this time will not last forever, their actions during this time will follow them. The decisions you make now will have an impact even if the situation changes. So, deal with the pain but still be mindful of how you act.
But five of cups, yes ma’am I am feeling it and can’t imagine more appropriate card for the universe to be giving us today.
Yes I am. And I absolutely concur that this is not forever. But, I think it is also important to remind people that even though this time will not last forever, their actions during this time will follow them. The decisions you make now will have an impact even if the situation changes. So, deal with the pain but still be mindful of how you act.
But five of cups, yes ma’am I am feeling it and can’t imagine more appropriate card for the universe to be giving us today.
Sometimes you don’t have to recreate it, it is recreated for you forcing the same results.
Sometimes Moozie, it gets recreated for you in hopes you will yeild a different action. If you don’t then you get the same results. If you are seeing this repetitive dynamic over and over then it is your opportunity to take control of it. You want to keep riding the merry-go-round? Because it is going to pass that same point everytime. It’s your decision to get off of it or not. Results are forced on no one. Results are just that..results from our own actions, period.
Many blessings to you. I’m stepping off the Merry go round, if anyone else would care to join me, I’d be glad to aid you in your first step if I can.
The merry-go-round is a wonderful image & I’d LOVE to get off but my inner child thinks the horses are pretty. The weirdo adult in me can’t stay off the freaking gerbil wheel so Dixie is helping me dismantle it.
You’re very sweet to offer help but I really think I need to be pushed off. Blessings to you as well (((J)))
Hey, I’ve heard this saying and it definitely applies to me:
“Sometimes the universe sends you a few signals to give you a clue. Then, if they doesn’t work, it throws a brick at your head”
Ok, so it wasn’t word for word like that but you get the point. Just so you know (re: getting pushed off) the universe no longer sends me little hints because it knows it is pointless. There is just a big pile of cracking and chipping bricks up there in the reserves with my name burned, etched, engraved in, and stamped on them. It’s a huge pile of bricks, Cancer Mom–no kidding. I’m hoping they may need so many for me that it spares someone
I don’t think I’ll be spared but thanks for offering to take the hit. This stuff is just pissing me off to no end and then I had a freaking dream about the situation and woke up PISSED. I’m going for a walk so hopefully that’ll get my mind off it for a little while. OH THE IRONY – I’m trying to avoid the gerbil wheel/merry-go-round and I’m going to hop on a treadmill.
Yes Josi I think that is what all the polarity is all about how to rise above it all based on our values.
Wow. Dixie, the card is appropriate! Especially this…
“I think of Five of Cups energy as akin to eating something that’s toxic—you feel sick and it seems like it will last forever, but the poison just has to be processed before it leaves your system. It sure is challenging to think in those terms when you are reeling from nausea, though.”
I’m dealing with the house making me sick. AGAIN. (Still.) Ductwork cleaners coming tomorrow to clean out mice, along with everything they leave behind. Asthma is kicking up again. I’m probably going back to the dr.
And Josi, I agree. I keep looking at this – my house was toxic, this house is toxic…. (Family is toxic…..) I’m more than willing to look at this merry-go-round, and get off the damn thing.
Yes I’m feeling it! “The Five of Cups signals me to acknowledge sorrow and loss..Truly, things never will be the same…It doesn’t mean things cannot be as good or better than before. Just not the same.” VERY WISE WORDS DIXIE
I’ve thrown out the mayo, I’ve mourned(ish)& moved(ish)down MY path & even though they they keep popping up it does NOT mean it’s a sign (today’s Recent Travels ties in with the Daily Tarot for me).
My overanalyzing & thinking everything is a sign is like nibbling at a goodie which has become toxic & even though it taste awful now I keep nibbling thinking “just maybe if I keep trying it’ll taste as good as before”. However, this card reminds me it’ll NEVER taste the same again & should be thrown away before I make myself REALLY sick (conflict).
Not to mention, it wasn’t even my goodie!
Yes I’m feeling it! “The Five of Cups signals me to acknowledge sorrow and loss..Truly, things never will be the same…It doesn’t mean things cannot be as good or better than before. Just not the same.” VERY WISE WORDS DIXIE
I’ve thrown out the mayo, I’ve mourned(ish)& moved(ish)down MY path & even though they they keep popping up it does NOT mean it’s a sign (today’s Recent Travels ties in with the Daily Tarot for me).
My overanalyzing & thinking everything is a sign is like nibbling at a goodie which has become toxic & even though it taste awful now I keep nibbling thinking “just maybe if I keep trying it’ll taste as good as before”. However, this card reminds me it’ll NEVER taste the same again & should be thrown away before I make myself REALLY sick (conflict).
Not to mention, it wasn’t even my goodie!
I just realized the Recent Travels I attached to today is actually from yesterday, maybe that’s how I was supposed to see it!
“It doesn’t mean things cannot be as good or better than before. Just not the same.” Thanks for the sugar to help the medicine go down!
Actually, even though the sky seems sad and is raining here today (unusual for summer here), and there is this card, I am relieved to realize I am not feeling this now. I know her soooo well, “sad girl,” but am finally (well… currently!) more identified with the things can be better part, and know better means not the same (wonderful as it was, some of the time). Better is for the best.
The grief/loss feeling is probably just about the hardest part of life that I have experienced. But I survived, so if it comes on again today… I’ll re-read the sugar part!
Hmmmm. What is WITH this card lately? On Sunday, I actually drew this card as my personal “card of the week,” and last night, I had a dream about this card and what it meant! And now here it is again!
Get out of my head, Dixie!
But the thing is, I acknowledge this message and I’m willing to accept it and move on… but I honestly can’t figure out how this figures in to my life/week right now! Obviously it wants to be noticed! Geez… have I lost something, and I just haven’t noticed it’s gone yet??? Will the eclipse on Friday show me what that is?
Or is this something as simple as “Yes, the bamboo plant that you nursed for 6 years is dead. But look! The violet is blooming again!”
I agree “Get out of my head, Dixie!” but not before the gerbil wheel is completely dismantled!!