November 18

Fool Rx & Page of Cups: Heart-Guided


I’ve been (trying) to make it a practice to be less bothered. About anything and everything, I want to stay as centered as possible. I don’t always make it, but I know I’m getting better because when I don’t? I really feel it more acutely now.

This is very different, by the way, from “agreeing” with everything. I just mean I’m not declaring myself as personally responsible for 1. straightening anything (or anyone) out, or 2. figuring out how to fix crap.

Life is a lot easier without it, you know? It takes practice and sometimes, my mom sensibilities still kick in to warn or meddle just a teensy bit. But overall, I’m really happy with where I’m at with it.

This week, we have the Fool reversed for the week’s outlook and the (Princess) Page of Cups for advice, all from the Star Tarot.

I’m reading the reversed Fool here as a collective tendency to jump to conclusions. Don’t expect much in the way of follow-up questions this coming week: just misunderstanding and emotional reactions to first impressions.

I mean, sure, it doesn’t help that it’s Mercury retrograde at the moment. But it appears people will be seeing what they believe and not the other way around, as we so often claim. Expect very little investigation to be evident before folks go diving into the freaked-out frenzy, and the head-first approach will probably be the norm.

Of course, that doesn’t have to be OUR norm, does it?

For advice, we’re looking to that lovely, heart-connected princess. Let your feelings guide you. If it feels good to approach a subject in a particular way, do it! In reality, that’s the only antidote for this kind of energy and what you’ll find is that if you let your heart guide you, then you’ll get exactly the information you need and want. It serves far better than one would ever realize if they haven’t tried it.

[bctt tweet=”Listen only to the messages of your heart. #OnMyRadar” username=”goddess_dix”]

Bottom line, here: Nobody else gets to tell you what deserves your attention. Only you can make that call and I’d suggest using the barometer of how it feels to your heart to make the call in a way that works for you.

Are you feeling the rush to judgment out there (and are you managing to sidestep it)?

Want a little help choosing your focus? Give me a holler for a one-on-one.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Page of Cups, Star Tarot, The Fool

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