The Gaian Tarot is a very soft, gently-pagan flavored deck with modern scenes. I would find it a stronger choice for personal development work than most readings, although I’m sure many disagree. That’s just my preference for reading decks; I have Scorpio and am comfortable using decks with bite. While Osho Zen smacks you in the face, Gaian politely taps on the shoulder to invite you to a drum circle. There’s nothing wrong with drum circles. I may even enjoy one sometimes. But when I’m getting down to business reading, I prefer the edge.
That having been said, here we’ve got the Fool reversed, in the avatar of the Seeker. The butterfly symbolism on her jacket is pretty self-explanatory—transformations, yo—and she’s accompanied by a fox instead of a dog. The mountains in the background are reminiscent of the traditional fool, vistas to climb. But the element of danger, standing on the edge of a cliff, is replaced by a winding but apparently safe if narrow path.
I want to ask, what is holding you back from getting started on pursuing your goals? It’s all laid out in front of you. You’re already packed. Yes, there is some unknown there but if there were not, you wouldn’t be nearly so enchanted with the adventure now, would you?
Ask yourself, “Why am I waiting?” If the reason is not good, get going! If it is valid, address it. Either way, don’t use lack of definition to maintain the status quo.
Are you hesitant to get started?
Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert; this deck is not going to be reprinted so if you fall in love, get one while you can!
Schedule a session with Dixie.
Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert Follow Dixie and the Everyday Tarot on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. Or just schedule a Tarot session.