February 28

02/28/12: New Beginnings



“We come to beginnings only at the end.” William Throsby Bridges

Ah, one of my favorites—the Fool! Or New Beginnings, as portrayed in the Psychic Tarot Oracle deck. Ruled by Uranus modernly, there’s only one thing you can say for sure about the Fool: there will be surprises!

I’ve got some of my own fresh starts underway, and I feel good about them. They are both scary and exciting at the same time. The only way I know how to manage is calling upon some faith. Innocence, dropping preconceived notions, being OPEN to whatever revelations spirit can provide. Meditate, pray, and step out into the future with

But I’m interested in YOU today. Do you have any new beginnings underway?

The Psychic Tarot Oracle Cards: a 65-Card Deck, plus booklet!
by John Holland

Schedule a Tarot consultation with Dixie.

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Psychic Tarot Oracle, The Fool

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  1. Yes! Slept in my new apt alone for the first time last night! I did a spread before going to sleep & the Fool came up for me too as being something I need to work on… I love the image here tho.. it will help remind me to keep putting one foot in front of the other as I continue to settle in

  2. Yes, I’ve taken a few steps in a new project. I started a new website about moon gardening, a pet project of mine for many years now. (www.lunarhome/dixiblog/domains/afoolsjourney.com/public_htmlandgarden.com). It’s so much fun to work on. I even did a presentation on moon gardening at the library last night.

    You are selling me on this deck, Dixie! I see an order in my future.

    1. It’s gorgeous if you don’t mind non-traditional decks, cj. Artwork is very evocative, and I love the golden gilded edges. I would consider this an especially optimistic deck.

      And good luck with your new site!!

      1. I ordered through your link, Dixie. Couldn’t wait anymore. I do like nontraditional decks and oracle decks. I look forward to working with it. Thanks for bringing these to our attention with your insights and skill, Dixie.

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