September 24

09/25/13: Listening to the Dog / The Fool


The Fool Steampunk TarotDo you know where you’re going? The Fool doesn’t have a clue, beyond the idea it’s an adventure and it’s definitely outside known definitions of reality. That little white dog friend provides both companionship and the barest of protections in the form of timely warning barks if the Fool is inclined to listen.

It doesn’t matter if your journey is physical, psychological, or spiritual. The destination is uncharted (at least in your world) and the approach is in curiosity and anticipation. On the flip side of the trip, the Fool may feel damned foolish for not realizing how demanding or perilous the journey actually proved to be.

But the Fool does have help. His dog is like a direct connection to his soul, in a tiny, humble little package.

The little white dog can “bark” via intuitive messages—nudges, gut feelings, serendipitous circumstances or apparently random occurrences. Look for those occurrences that sort of stick in your head, ring in your ears, just somehow feel weightier and more noticeable. Those are the barks of your little white dog! The extra punch is your clue, these communications are meaningful.

The dog’s senses are keen, and he can smell trouble—or dinner—before it his your consciousness.

Have you noticed  “barking” before? Did you heed it?

Steampunk Tarot
Barbara Moore and Aly Fell

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Steampunk Tarot, The Fool

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