May 14

Going with the Flow / Weekly Flow Tarot, May 11 – 17th


Bumping the weekly up so you don’t lose track.

Are y’all feeling that Scorpio moon? Wow…experiencing and getting reports from the field on very Scorpionic themes including flashbacks, grief, people from the long past showing up. My keyword for this right now is about value. I know that’s more of a Venusian concept, but I”m thinking a lot about this particular energy in terms of what’s worthwhile and what’s not. What do we want to keep and what needs to hit the compost heap.

I’m doing good, actually. I have some Scorpio and it’s comfortable energy for me. But I’m sure that’s not true for everybody, so what are you gonna do?

If you’re grappling with it, realize it should lighten up soon and look for stuff to donate or reuse. After all, that’s voluntarily expression the demand for resurrection. Or have some really dirty sex. That will work, too! Whatever you do, don’t deny the fact you cast a shadow. Because that sucker will come out one way or another. Best to know it.

If y’all missed today’s Woo-Woo Wonderful show on Magic Gardening, be sure to catch us on the reply. I’ll let you know when I’ve got captions done on it for my folks that use them.

Be well!

Weekly Tarot Forecast May 2014

Looking at the flow of the week, with about half the cards reversed there may be delays or at least slower-than-we’d-like progress. So what else is new? A good mix of elemental energy with Swords, Pentacles,  Wands and even a member of court showing for Cups. It looks fairly balanced and manageable overall.

Who else is counting the minutes until Mars goes direct (meaning progress)?

Sunday, Six of Swords Reversed – We cannot solve all our problems in a day, okay? This looks like a minor setback or temporary delay. Perhaps it’s the “one step back” that accompanies most two steps forward? Maybe it’s just the feeling of setback, too, without any real-world implications. I’m actually seeing most issues as still on track, although it may not feel like it. Don’t overreact. Yes, it may have been a choppy sea boat ride and you may be SO READY to disembark, but the cruise is not over. Maintain grace. Oh, and happy Mother’s Day!

Monday, Ten of Pentacles – A great day for connecting with family, be it blood relatives or the folks you call family. Also an excellent time to acknowledge all the good you have in your life. Gratitude is never a mistake, but the day especially resonates with that vibe. Possibility of a gift of some sort. Nice day!

Tuesday, Seven of Wands – Fight the good fight, even if you are on your own. This card always makes me think of that juncture in the Hero’s Journey where the hero turns back to his or her cohorts and says, “I have to do this part alone.” Do what you’ve got to, and do it with integrity. That’s what’s required.

Wednesday, Nine of Swords reversed – I’m seeing this as niggling (and honestly, generally unfounded) worries, a vague sense of discomfort or concern. Especially prominent at night. I want to suggest practical and emotional tactics: a to-do list for what you actually need to address, and a good movie, book, game, puzzle or song to distract your mind for the what-ifs that you don’t need to address. Once you’ve done what you can, look for a way to set it aside and get some rest.

Thursday, Page of Pentacles Reversed – A message not being heard perhaps, or maybe an unexpected bill shows up. Something is a bit off in the communication realm. Don’t panic, because there very well could be a misunderstanding. Read twice, respond once. If you don’t understand what you’re hearing, wait for clarification before acting if possible.

Friday, Queen of Cups – Ahhhhh. This is like a drink for the parched throat! Expect to find peace today, and maybe a little bliss. Tears are possible but if you do cry, expect productive tears. Psychological insights are quite accessible with this vibe. Don’t overdo it with the wine (or whine).

Saturday, Ace of Wands – Physical activity is favored, along with work on a satisfying hobby or side project. Anything that trips your passion switch will bring extra reward today. You might also be gearing up for your next project or job. Mars is going direct in a couple of days now, which means that tangles are untangling and forward motion is on it’s way. Thank goodness!

Affirmation: I release all expectations. [Sorry the pic’s blurry.] Bottom line, the Universe works the way it wants to work, not the way we want it to work. We cannot micromanage our lives, and frankly, we’d probably just muck things up if we did. It’s a time to work with the tools you’ve got on hand.

Be grass, not tree. Bend and you won’t break.

Are you struggling to go with the flow?

Legacy of the Divine Tarot
by Ciro Marchetti

Get some personalized flow assistance in a session with Dixie.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Ace of Wands, Affirmations, forecast, Legacy of the Divine, Page of Pentacles, Queen of Cups, Seven of Wands, Six of Swords, Ten of Pentacles

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  1. Oh heavens, the Mars thing is trying my patience mightily.

    I like this new weekly flow forecast. I thought I would be missing the daily more than I am, honestly. This gives a lot of the same insight, and seems like it would be less effort for you – so I call that a win-win. *nods* I think the weekly cards and video are pretty fantastic.

    1. You an me both on Mars, Ms. Shannon!

      I am liking this format so far and it is considerably less effort to do it this way. I had no idea how much energy was actually wrapped up in the dailies until I stopped doing them. Like when you sit down and suddenly realize how far you’ve walked.

      And thank you for your kind words. Always appreciated. ♥

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