April 17

04/18/14: Anger Optional / 5 of Wands


5 Wands Meaning

Not long ago, I was having a Class A rant over something I just didn’t want to do. I was mid-stream and in fine form no less, colorfully outlining all the ways it said task was going to be a pain in my ass. I rattled off each and every reason the task sucked with all the dramatic flair you’d expect from Leo rising. I was hosting a pity party extraordinaire.

“I’m sorry you don’t want to do what you agreed to do,” said Captain Virgo, with complete and utter sincerity. I’d have gotten pissed at him, except he wasn’t trying to be dismissive and worse, he was 100% right. Damn Virgo moon, foils me again!

Evidently, it was a pity party for one. But then again, aren’t most pity parties single-seaters?

I’d say this is kind of a harsh comedown from the Venusian queen of the Empress for yesterday. I was all like, “Date night!” But today? Today, the situation is all Five of Wands—read fight!

Fight, fight, fight! Damn.

I want to say be ready to rumble if the situation calls for it. I’m not into fighting for the sake of fighting. But sometimes? It’s what you gotta do. It’s up to you to tell the difference.

But…and here’s arather large “but”…is the situation entirely of your own doing? Because if it is, I wouldn’t expect anybody to pull up a chair to your single-seater pity party. So you may need to battle. But being pissed off about it is optional.

Maybe you can do what I did—retreat to meditate for a while. Lord knows it did me good, and saved the man from a sharp retort. After all, he can’t help his damn Virgo moon.

Are you in a fight today?

Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot
by Us Games Systems

[Trimmed and Glittered]

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Captain Virgo, Deck of 1000 Spreads, Five of Wands, Radiant Rider Waite, Situation

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