Pretty much every week, I tell myself I’m not going to keep saying what a crazy time this is.
But Holy Hell, it’s a crazy time…
I’m really worn out by the environment right now, which strikes me as an incessant listing of all that we’re against. This wouldn’t be quite so wearing if the lists matched up, but they don’t.
If I’m being honest, thought…the most significant reason it’s wearing is that I’ve got my own list, too. I check it off regularly. just like everybody else. I just don’t advertise it. I find it insulting to be lectured on how to be a decent human, so I don’t want to perpetrate that insult upon others.
But damn, wouldn’t it be nice if they would just see the obvious on their own?!? Har!
I stumbled across a great coping strategy, though. If you can touch base with who you REALLY are for even a moment? Everything else fades into insignificance. All you need is a little reminder of who you really are. Tuning into that makes everything else easy.
Your true self, your soul, is MUCH, much bigger than a specific set of convictions about how to appropriately handle life’s quandaries. You are Universal Energy flow, at the core. Love. Kindness. Goodwill. Appreciation. These feelings are pure vibrations and will always clarify matters, no matter what the circumstances. If you can find ways to tap into those streams, it becomes easy to embody your authentic self.
I’m not saying good intentions aren’t ever part of desires to address the world’s woes. But in order to rise above the woes and see a clear path forward, you’ve really got to tap into the higher vibrations than the woes are made of. Anger, disgust, fear and self-righteousness muck everything up. We get stuck in the mud, arguing about details. Purer energy means purer inspiration and more effective action. It also means a happier life, living true to who you are in the most potent way possible.
Ready to start practicing?
Next Week in the Cards
The cards were both inverted, but I righted them to take a picture. It’s a tab blurry–old lady eyes–but still easier to see upright.
We got a forecast card of the reversed Five of Pentacles, with advice of the reversed Ace of Swords from the Crystal Visions Tarot.
Five of Pentacles in any orientation signals a feeling of being left out in the cold, overlooked or otherwise discarded. it’s a feeling of being adrift and unimportant. Reversed, this cards suggests such conclusions are most likely based on incorrect assumptions. Like almost every version of this card, there are resources out of view of those suffering, not being seen or acknowledged.
What you perceive as being ill will aimed at you isn’t actually about you. A sense of victimhood or oppression is rooted in perception, not actual hurtful intentions. While the behaviors or outcome may not live solely in your imagination, the interpretations of what it all means probably does. They are not all out to get you!
Bearing this in mind, a reversed Ace of Swords would have us hold off confrontational “tough conversations” this week–they are best held when we’ve gained more clarity. Don’t draw your final conclusions yet because the facts are not all obvious. That’s coming…the Ace of Swords is there but reversed, so facts are surfacing but not in full focus.
For coping, especially look for those sources of support we’re not acknowledging. Look for the good that’s been overlooked and allow the rest of the facts to surface before drawing your lines in the sand or placing your bets or whatever it is that you feel the urge to do.
Yes, there is plenty ugly that’s real. Sometimes, it gets on you. But there is also a bigger, more complete picture you’re not seeing yet. Allow yourself the space to see from higher perspective by tapping into the flow of who you really are. This is where solutions come from!
If you can access feelings of hopefulness, appreciation or love, you’re on the right track. Do whatever it takes to give yourself a healthy dose of that because it’s the antidote to all forms of crazy. Seriously.
Peace out, friends. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
Looking to find clarity for yourself? Reach out for a one-on-one session and we’ll work it out together.