March 21

Five of Pents Rx: What to do with the Rain


It’s not about what you don’t have. It’s not about what isn’t right. It’s not about what is broken. Sort of like what I wrote about last week, except let’s put a finer point on it.

Things just ARE. And whatever the “are” is about, it can either be a springboard for where you’re going, or a reason to sit around and feel sorry for yourself.

If ya choose option two, it leaves a feeling a stuck. But you do have a choice. Next week, let’s capitalize on that choice!

Next Week in Tarot

five of pents rx magician

Outlook is the reversed Five of Pentacles, with advice of emulating the Magician. Cards pictured from the Star Tarot Deck.

The reversed “out in the cold” energy we’ve got here is not speaking of crisis to me. It plays more like a pity party than a four-alarm fire. Feelings of overwhelm or uncertainty may be skirting conscious awareness, but there is more illusion than fact in any sense of potential doom here.

It could even show up as a little pouting over what you don’t have–and don’t know how you’re going to get. Like a “poor me” song and dance.  It’s got a feeling of “rut” here, too. Like this is a well-worn path and it doesn’t take you anywhere you look forward to going.

So how to change the trip? Call upon your inner Magician!

Forget the details. Everything you need is already present. Got that?  You already have all the info, insight and resources necessary for success. Pieces to the puzzle are just here, there, scattered about everywhere. Those pieces have been created already.

Solutions and completion, therefore, exist on the ethereal, which is why you have a sense of them being but can’t quite grasp them. They need form, so we’re now tasked with the magic work of birthing the potential into the physical. That’s the work of the Magician. Letting those pieces start to assemble.

Focus on your vision and highlight it. Not with drive or determination. This is best done playfully, savoring the fun. This is one of the easiest ways to activate your magician superpowers. You’re calling forth the energy flow.

And when you’re not easily focusing on it or it doesn’t feel like much fun anymore, set it aside resume your normally scheduled life. There isn’t a need to struggle and fuss here. In fact, struggle and fuss block the flow.

Yes, of course you’ll have action items as part of any birthing process.  Thing is, you don’t have to “brain” them all into existence. Which is great, since braining it is hardest way to go about it.

Instead, the most effective and efficient action items required will show up for you organically when you sync up with the Universe and get yourself in the flow.

That’s it. That’s my advice for next week. Whatever looks like it’s wrong, whatever makes you feel a little sorry for yourself? Redefine it as part of the process. Use your Magician superpowers over brute force approaches and let the Universe pull it together for you.

Sounds too easy? True story: there is no such thing as “too easy.” The sooner you decide this is fact, the sooner you can start living that way.

Good luck, friends! Have an awesome week.

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Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Five of Pentacles, Star Tarot, The Magician

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