May 20

Five of Pentacles & Ten of Swords: Shakeups


Sometimes, structures or situations in our lives break. Maybe the working relationship you’ve had stops working. A source of financial stability turns unstable. What you thought you knew no longer is proving true.

Sometimes something breaks in your life and you’re not sure how to fix it. 

Now, I can swoop in all Pollyanna and tell you, “Oh, it’s a good thing in the long run! Things happen for a reason. You’ll be better off, once it’s dealt with.”

And likely if I say such things, you’ll want to smack me. I am well aware of this because I kind of feel that way even when I’m telling this to myself.

Doesn’t mean every bit of it isn’t absolute truth. Sometimes the easiest and most direct route, the route of least resistance, tromps us through some chaos. This week? Expect shakeups. Just make sure if they are hitting you? You put them to good use!

Coming Up in Tarot

If I pull a Five of Pentacles (or 5 of Earth, as it’s called in the Good Tarot) for the weekly forecast, good chance I’m going to pull a second card for more guidance. Because, ouch! Here, the extra insight comes in the form of the Ten of Swords. Again, ouch! Finally, we’ve got Violet from Botanical Inspirations, associated with faithfulness and modesty to round out the trio.

Traditionally, the Five of Pentacles points to feelings of lack, being left out in the cold and alone. But thing is, the lack we’re talking with this card is always at least partially illusionary. Tarot fives denote conflict and this conflict? Internal, baby! Chances are, it’s YOU counting yourself out when this card shows up. Know there is help readily available if specifically sought out. And in terms of advice? The Ten of Swords suggests a multi-faceted, from-the-ground-up approach. The Violets suggest being open to learning and faithful to your most important aims here. So, what does this mean in practical terms?

Helpful breaks coming in this week may not be packaged how you’d expect. Understand that resources include MUCH more than the cash in your wallet. Realize that these disruptions can be absolute gold in helping you reach a higher level of competence in whatever area of life they hit. Know that from a higher perspective, you have and are receiving far more blessings than you may be able to see at the given moment.

Opt-in to appreciate. Gratitude immediately softens the energy and helps you shift to a place where you’re more likely to be able to receive intuitive inspiration. And let’s be very clear, here: we WANT the inspiration!

If you’re feeling strung out, put upon and all by your lonesome? Remind yourself it is a transitional thing. Start counting your blessings and count as many as you can find–even tiny ones. Don’t beat up on yourself for where you are or anything else, for that matter–it never helps. And don’t sit around feeling sorry for what doesn’t seem to be working.

That Ten of Swords would have us reassess the situation from the ground up. And please, don’t be too proud or put out to reach out. This has the potential to be a bumpy week. So take nothing for granted. Count each blessing twice! Be open to insights and guidance, regardless of the source. They WILL come to you. Your job is to soften up your emotional state enough you can receive the incoming here. Because that incoming inspiration is what’s going to get you through to the other (better) side of anything and everything. So open up for it!

Are you in the middle of a shakeup?

For some one-on-one support through the transition, give me a holler.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Five of Pentacles, Ten of Swords

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  1. I keep getting the 10 of swords and 5 of pentacles, ask just ended a friendship with a male friend, as I allowed him to take advantage of me, I loaned him money but never paid me back

  2. Hello,
    How would you interpret the five of pentacles reversed, clarified by the ten of swords upright, the 9 of swords upright and the world card?
    I'm facing a big financial loss and my question is whether is going to get resolved.

    1. I’m sorry, Stefania, but I don’t interpret other people’s Tarot draws in the comments section. Otherwise, I’d be able to do nothing else. You are welcome to search (the thousands of) public posts to learn how I read specific cards or hire me if you’d like a personal consultation. Thank you for understanding.

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