Happy 4th of July! Since it’s a holiday weekend, I’m doing a quickie, 3-card spread for today’s forecast.
- The Wheel of Fortune
- The Magician, Rev.
- The Ace of Swords, Rev.
Good opportunities are showing up now—your luck is just fine! The fear and hesitation about what next comes from feeling out of control, not at one with your inner power; that makes it hard to determine what’s a good idea and what doesn’t make sense.
To tell the difference, think about each option without worrying about the details—what’s practical or rational or acceptable—just focus on how it makes you feel. Not thoughts or what-if’s, just feelings.
The more excited, enthused, alive, and inspired you feel considering, the better the choice for your spirit. Let the Source figure out details. You just follow that inner light. The more fully engaged you remain, the better the outcome.
What do you see here?
Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot by Us Games Systems |
Schedule a consultation with Dixie.
Wow. These 3 cards have been coming up for me repeatedly over the past week! THAT is very cool.
I do have a couple decisions waiting to be made, and I feel like somehow, a wrench got thrown into the “monkey-works.” Can’t figure it out.
So I’m going to stop my eternal analyzing (at least for a moment) and turn on the emotional engine and see what that tells me! Such a novel idea!
Thanks, Dixie!
Hope it helps, Regina. It usually does for me, when I think to do it that way.