June 13

Everyday Tarot, 06/13/11: Secret Formula of Harmony / Temperance


temperance-new-visions-tarot-forecastAlways aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
Mohandas Gandhi

In the Synchronicity Department (also known as the Division of Dixie’s Clue-by-Four)…in the middle of writing this column, I’m having an email discussion centering on polarity. I did not bring it up. I was just sitting here writing about it instead.

“Okay, Tarot, I’m listening. Start talking!”

Today’s Tarot forecast is Temperance or “Daughter of the Reconcilers,” associated with Sagittarius. Numbered XIV of the Major Arcana, she becomes one of the Tarot fives reduced. She’s often pictured as blending fire and water.  One foot on the ground, one foot in the water

maj11sDuality is a prominent theme in Tarot, and this card speaks of it even more than an obvious example, like Justice. Justice compares, but Temperance combines. And fire and water, no less—our creative passions, our drives (fire) are melded with our hearts, our spiritual awareness (water). What a magically powerful combination!

Temperance highlights the need for restraint—sometimes in physical areas like eating or drinking, other times in thinking or emotional energy expenditure.

But hey—we’re talking Sagittarius, so think big!—it’s a lot of energy being channeled! You’re mixing spiritual with the physical. We have to mix the components in the right proportions. As flesh and blood beings, how we care for our bodies, the earth, other living things impact our vibrations and spiritual lives.  As spiritual beings, how we feed our minds and our hearts impact our subjective human experience. We are both part of the same whole.

If you primarily in one world, the other suffers for lack of attention. The secret is in making them all agree—feeding both physical and spiritual. Honoring your Sun and your Moon! Express both sides of the polarity by keeping your higher intention and everyday behavior consistent. The two mix to make the magic.

Now I just have to figure out why Tarot wanted me to say so.

Where do you see Temperance showing up?

Tarot of the New Vision (English & Spanish)
by Lo ScarabeoThis deck shows traditional RWS images from the back, offering an interesting alternative perspective.

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Major Arcana, New Vision Tarot, Polarity, Sagittarius, Tarot Fives, Temperance

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  1. I had a free reading the other day. Temperance was the big message in it. I’ve drawn the Temperance card from every deck, every day since. There are always other messages in each spread, but Temperance leads the way.

    I went too far in denying my spiritual side in trying to get a handle on physical matters in order to be a better partner to my husband and reduce his physical burden.

    I have to figure out how to balance time with family, money management/earning and spiritual nourishment. My spreads keep pointing to spending time with spiritually rich friends instead of starving myself by editing myself in order to spend time with people who love me … or at least what they find palatable about me.

    So not surprised your card is the one I needed to see since I decided not to draw any this morning.

  2. I had a free reading the other day. Temperance was the big message in it. I’ve drawn the Temperance card from every deck, every day since. There are always other messages in each spread, but Temperance leads the way.

    I went too far in denying my spiritual side in trying to get a handle on physical matters in order to be a better partner to my husband and reduce his physical burden.

    I have to figure out how to balance time with family, money management/earning and spiritual nourishment. My spreads keep pointing to spending time with spiritually rich friends instead of starving myself by editing myself in order to spend time with people who love me … or at least what they find palatable about me.

    So not surprised your card is the one I needed to see since I decided not to draw any this morning.

  3. temperance tem·per·ance (těm’pər-əns, těm’prəns) n. 1.Moderation and self-restraint, as in behavior or expression.

    I’ve been writing a list of reasons why I’m so angry from the raffle/church issue & on what grounds I can discuss w/ Pastor & his wife to get clarification on what really took place versus believing what the gossiper told me.

    Darn you Dixie, I was on a roll then you throw this card at me-GEESH! I now see Temperance showing up in a roll of DUCT TAPE!

  4. temperance tem·per·ance (těm’pər-əns, těm’prəns) n. 1.Moderation and self-restraint, as in behavior or expression.

    I’ve been writing a list of reasons why I’m so angry from the raffle/church issue & on what grounds I can discuss w/ Pastor & his wife to get clarification on what really took place versus believing what the gossiper told me.

    Darn you Dixie, I was on a roll then you throw this card at me-GEESH! I now see Temperance showing up in a roll of DUCT TAPE!

  5. In Ox’s 7th house. That’s where it showed up. All I could do is look at him and say..er, temperance..7th house..do you love me anyway? do you really need to tell a Virgo Ox with Taurus to be patient with you. Yes, especially when I know he is the water and I’m the fire and he is trying really hard to mix us up without boiling one or putting the other out.

    Good luck Ox, I’m rootin for ya.

    1. Hey Josi I love your stuff. Just remember a fire can burn like a forest fire scorching the earth beneath it, or it can be tempered and burn like the embers that will warm the very core of your being. I like to think of that one huge log on a campfire that once lit properly does the nice long slow warming burn of the perfect mix of earth and fire. Or Taurus Virgo is the guy who buys you a full set of snow tires for your Christmas present cause he loves you so much he wants you to stay safe no matter what.

  6. In Ox’s 7th house. That’s where it showed up. All I could do is look at him and say..er, temperance..7th house..do you love me anyway? do you really need to tell a Virgo Ox with Taurus to be patient with you. Yes, especially when I know he is the water and I’m the fire and he is trying really hard to mix us up without boiling one or putting the other out.

    Good luck Ox, I’m rootin for ya.

    1. Hey Josi I love your stuff. Just remember a fire can burn like a forest fire scorching the earth beneath it, or it can be tempered and burn like the embers that will warm the very core of your being. I like to think of that one huge log on a campfire that once lit properly does the nice long slow warming burn of the perfect mix of earth and fire. Or Taurus Virgo is the guy who buys you a full set of snow tires for your Christmas present cause he loves you so much he wants you to stay safe no matter what.

  7. As you know, I’ve been doing free online daily draws for myself until I get my deck. Just to get to know the cards, really. I don’t consider them proper readings.

    What’s really cool is that I do the draw, read the interpretations, think about what it might mean to me in the context of that day and my general path…. then I come here and usually you draw the same card very soon. Sometimes a few days days before, sometimes a few days after. How’s that for the Synchronicity Department!

    So far I’ve got Temperance, Six of Swords, Six of Cups, Four of Cups, Queen of Cups, Knight of Swords, Two of Pentacles and Page of Pentacles. That’s 8 cards, and 5 of them have been in your readings here in June, Six of Swords and Queen of Cups in May. Six of Cups in the only one missing so far

    Needless to say, this has really helped me with getting to know the cards!

    1. I thought of you when I saw this one. That is SO awesome, SMG. I’m excited for you, making friends with the cards. I suspect they’ll serve you very well.

  8. As you know, I’ve been doing free online daily draws for myself until I get my deck. Just to get to know the cards, really. I don’t consider them proper readings.

    What’s really cool is that I do the draw, read the interpretations, think about what it might mean to me in the context of that day and my general path…. then I come here and usually you draw the same card very soon. Sometimes a few days days before, sometimes a few days after. How’s that for the Synchronicity Department!

    So far I’ve got Temperance, Six of Swords, Six of Cups, Four of Cups, Queen of Cups, Knight of Swords, Two of Pentacles and Page of Pentacles. That’s 8 cards, and 5 of them have been in your readings here in June, Six of Swords and Queen of Cups in May. Six of Cups in the only one missing so far

    Needless to say, this has really helped me with getting to know the cards!

    1. I thought of you when I saw this one. That is SO awesome, SMG. I’m excited for you, making friends with the cards. I suspect they’ll serve you very well.

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