I spend a good amount of time on social media for business. It’s goal-driven participation, but you know how that is. So much of everything there…
Oh my God, I hide so much!
It’s daily. Lots and lots and lots gets hidden or blocked. And not because there is thing one wrong with what I’m hiding. People can discuss whatever it is they want to discuss and feel about it however they want to feel about it. I am genuinely egotistical, but not so much I think I’ve cornered the market on truth or perspective. I would never want to impinge upon the freedom of others! But that doesn’t mean I have to be a participant in all of it, either.
It’s just really important to me, how I feel. I consider how I feel THE top priority in my life. It’s my job to feel as good as I can, as much of the time as I can. And to that ends, I won’t become mired in lengthy discussion of issues that are upsetting to me.
Does such avoidance make me selfish, uninformed, deluded, privileged, or otherwise derelict in my social responsibilities?
Maybe. I know for a fact, there are kind-hearted, loving people who deem it so–and that, too, is their right. Don’t care, if you want to know the God’s-to-honest truth. I love y’all but I’ve gotta make decisions for myself. Some people feel that fighting what they perceive as wrong is the only way to impact change. If that’s what you believe, then you should do that! Always do what you feel is right and I wish you well in doing it.
For me, I believe being the best person I know how to be is my greatest opportunity to contribute. So I’m doing that.
This week? People may benefit from a less direct approach across the board, too–more water, less rock. At least, consider stepping back until you’re feeling utterly stable in your own skin. Impulsiveness or brashly powering through barriers is not favored.
[bctt tweet=”Be more water, less rock. Weekly #Tarot Forecast” via=”no”]
Tarot foretells a week that remains somewhat squishy, with a mix of primarily Cups, Pentacles and peppered with some Major Arcana. We start out rough–eclipse hangover, perchance? But by the weekend (provided you played your cards right), it’s looking pretty sweet.
Overall, I keep getting themes of budgeting energy expenditures. Don’t spend what you don’t have to freely spend on any level, and prioritize managing your emotional state. That is something you ARE in charge of! I’ll take it, ’cause really, what choice do I have anywho?
View the Full Forecast in video, here.
I liked the Queen of Swords advice last week to hit the bullet points, so I’m running with it.
- Monday, Queen of Pentacles rx: Mind your resources and don’t spend more than what you’ve got of whatever it is.
- Tuesday, Knight of Cups rx: Hold off with emotional dumping messages. Highly sensitive time in general and strong possibility you’ll be misheard if you communicate impulsively.
- Wednesday, Six of Pentacles rx: Take care of your own business. Don’t hop in to try and fix for others. No charity work.
- Thursday, Ace of Pentacles rx: Lowish energy. Don’t overspend, anything, again.
- Friday, The Tower: Choices earlier in the week culminate. If you overdid, it will fall apart today. If you showed restraint, the crashes won’t be yours.
- Saturday, The Chariot: Single-minded focus on what you care about, and forget the rest. Simple.
- Sunday, Two of Cups: Great date night. Expect peace, harmony and music. Good flow today.
- Overview/Advice, Six of Wands: It may not be obvious, but it’s all working out in the bigger picture. Appreciate what’s working and let everything else be.
- Affirmation: Loss. Focus on what you’ve got, not what you don’t. It’s your choice, what you make bigger in your life.

Are you able to “mind your own emotional store” easily? What helps you?
This week’s forecast features the Tarot Illuminati and Wisdom of the Crone deck. You know where to find me if you want a personal consult.