September 23

Empress Rx: Rough Birth


As I write this, I’m still neck deep in a personal web project that was supposed to take a couple of days. It’s been over a week of hammering away and I’m still not there. I’m close, but not there. It’s also looking like I may need to go diving deep into databases, code and all sorts of techie muck.

It also reminds me why I quit doing tech work for other people. The end result will still be worth it, but I’m not loving the getting there part as much as I’d like. While I doubt anybody reading this is in the same boat as me exactly, I would not be surprised if you had some similar feelings about something important to you going down in your life.

And you know why I wouldn’t be surprised? These cards.

Next Week in Tarot

This week, we have the Empress reversed for the general outlook, along with Temperance for the advice from the gorgeous Star Tarot Deck. (Isn’t this a great deck? The cards are very large, oversized, so it’s clumsy as all get-out to shuffle but I think it would make a fabulous deck for pathworking if it’s catching your fancy.)

I want to say something’s just not working and it’s draining to boot. Your me-time may get put on hold to some degree or another while it’s sorted. Like a “breech birth” of a project or intentions. It’s coming out, yes, but all upside down!

But not all is lost. You can and do get helpful clarification through addressing what’s going wrong for sure, and you can use that to make the end result better.

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Take some of what you wanted and some of what you didn’t and mix them together to make a better mix. Temperance is particularly suggestive of taking advice or listening to other opinions as well. Consider inspiration and input from unlikely or unrelated sources, as they are likely to hold a key piece of the puzzle. You can take disparate pieces to make a surprisingly cohesive whole.

Just remember as you plug your way through whatever you’ve got to plug your way through, it’s all okay. It WILL work out and you’ll get back to where you want to be. Take a deep breath and be still a moment. Listen for inspiration. Be aware you may be getting helpful hints from outside sources, either directly or indirectly, with a word or comment that can inspire solutions. Don’t let your self-care completely go, even if you have to adjust what and how much for a minute.

Hang in there! The end will be better for it, even if the middle isn’t quite what you want.

Are you feeling this? I hope not but either way, it will work out. Okay?

Be well, friends.

p.s. If you’d like to hook up with me for a one-on-one, just give a holler.

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Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Empress, Star Tarot, Temperance

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