April 16

04/17/14: Date Night / The Empress


Empress meaning Romance

Oh my gosh! Seeing the Empress (ruled by Venus) paired up with Romance, I’m delighted. If you’re not paired up nor in a position to be interested in such, then fall in love with a creative endeavor. You can make something beautiful today.

And if you are paired off? Great date night!

Um…I will add a single caveat, though. Anytime the Empress is around, pregnancy is a possibility. Stay safe out there!

You ready for date night?

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Deck of 1000 Spreads, Romance, Tarot Illuminati, The Empress

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  1. YAY! I love this! BTW, Venus trines Jupiter today Looks like…oh surprise, surprise, we are on the same page again. Which is cool! I like this book

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