September 24

09/24/12: Stay In Charge | Emperor


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Large and in charge—that’s the Emperor’s story, associated with Aries. He doesn’t look like a man to waver, now, does he?

He confidently wears that crown, holds the ancient Ankh of Life,  well-armored under that red (active, fiery) robe, and his thrown bears symbols of the Ram.

The Ankh was often used for protection, often combined with glyphs meaning strength or health, portrayed in images of the Gods, and has special association with Egyptian deities of the afterlife, granting life to mummies.

In other words, he doesn’t mess around. Neither should you.

Can you use some of the Emperor’s energy?

Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot
by Us Games Systems

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Radiant Rider Waite, Tarot Fours, The Emperor

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