July 8

Everyday Tarot, 07/08/11: Packing Emotional Baggage w/Knight of Cups



“Love is always bestowed as a gift – freely, willingly and without expectation. We don’t love to be loved; we love to love.”  –Leo Buscaglia

“Should” is a very powerful word—when applied to ourselves, it can either light a path or condemn our missteps. When applied to others, it can bring contentment, or, perhaps more likely, disappointment. What to do with that pesky old, “should” anyway?

Today’s Tarot Forecast is the Knight of Cups or “Prince of the Chariot of the Waters.” Associated with Air in Water, remember that thoughts modify the emotional responses. I often see the knight with emotional flux—all the Tarot knights tend to show up for me when situations are not stable. Knights also tend to be idealistic and impulsive, so I look for similar qualities in the energy surrounding them.

I know, I go back and forth. I know, my stance changes as I process, forget, remember, revisit and readjust my thinking on emotionally charged issues. I go in, with an open heart, but the mind is not always so willing. It bends and sways and flutters about, and my heart follows.

The Knight of Cups reminds me that my emotions are fluid, and heavily colored by my thoughts. I can set “should” aside for “is”—being, knowing, and best I can, living in the now. That doesn’t mean injuries cease to exist, or the painful suddenly becomes soothing.

Mostly, he tells me I get to decide how much emotional baggage I’m taking with me on the trip. Maybe time to pull out some of those spare outfits. The case gets kind of heavy. My arm’s tired. I just worry, though…if I clean it all the way out, am I going to be caught unprepared? Because there is a reason, those outfits are in there. Cleaning out the bag is a tradeoff.

What does the Knight of Cups have to say to you?

Tarot of the New Vision (English and Spanish Edition)
by Lo Scarabeo

Schedule a consultation with Dixie.

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Knight of Cups, New Vision Tarot, Tarot Court, Tarot Cups, Tarot Knights

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  1. My job just went into flux. I know that it’ll turn out alright … when I’m awake. My night was filled with nightmares, all to do with instability and potential for destruction. I’m just not at all surprised to find great advice waiting for me. Your blog is the perfect accompaniment to my first moment of the day to myself. Thanks.

  2. My job just went into flux. I know that it’ll turn out alright … when I’m awake. My night was filled with nightmares, all to do with instability and potential for destruction. I’m just not at all surprised to find great advice waiting for me. Your blog is the perfect accompaniment to my first moment of the day to myself. Thanks.

  3. Good morning everyone!

    Thanks, Dixie! As for me, I’m cleaning it ALL out. I’m obviously much worse off carrying anything that no longer serves any purpose. Off it goes.

  4. Good morning everyone!

    Thanks, Dixie! As for me, I’m cleaning it ALL out. I’m obviously much worse off carrying anything that no longer serves any purpose. Off it goes.

  5. I agree with you, wholeheartedly. But, we are talking emotional baggage so I ask, When you come up with a smelly bag that needs to be discarded but there are feelings attached to that bag that you are very important..how do you turn off the important part to get rid of the ugly part.” I know that’s confusing. But, I don’t see a partial dumping being possible. Some good stuff will also be lost. How do you determine if the good is worth packing that baggage or whether you should just lop it all off?

    I know you can’t answer that. No one can. But it happens. Sorting the bags are no fun.

  6. “I know, my stance changes as I process, forget, remember, revisit and readjust my thinking on emotionally charged issues.” Boy do I relate to these words. I am learning to accept that my decisions mostly need to be about “now” and forgive myself when I change my mind about things later. It is really tricky creating some sort of framework for operating with change; knowing how and when to honor a previous commitment, choice or intention, and when to adjust and be flexible. Guess it makes me re-think my intentions… to make them fit better under any circumstances. Hm. Thanks again for your great insights and reflections — all very fitting for me now.

  7. I think I sometimes take these wonderful spiritual metaphors and relate them right back into the material world, even though they may not be intended as that.

    But I actually did spend hours yesterday taking lots of old clothes out of closets, and marked it for Goodwill.

    Ok, it was a physical AND spiritual clearing, because they held memories of difficult years.

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