January 17

01/17/12: Hope from Within | Eight of Swords



“I think it’s a mistake to ever look for hope outside of one’s self.” Arthur Miller

Today’s Tarot is the Eight of Swords (Jupiter in Gemini). In a classic case of missing the point, this woman remains trapped despite the fact she could easily free herself. Her home castle isn’t even a long walk away! But she doesn’t, for fear of being cut in the process. She doesn’t even want to look, because the entire situation depresses her.

I’ve grown to like this lady, and that’s a really good thing—she shows up for me regularly! Who am I kidding? She IS me, more often than I’d care to admit. Maybe it’s my own Jupiter in Gemini. I can get distracted (Gemini) with massive (Jupiter) detail (Gemini)! But luck (Jupiter) is offered via expanding  perspective (Jupiter). But even if you don’t relate to her regularly, we all have some “Eight of Swords moments.”

Consider her arrival a prod to evaluate areas you feel trapped, restrained and stuck. Question your assumptions. Specifically, whatever has seemed impossible, too painful, too difficult, unlikely to succeed? Yeah, that. Because your assumptions about the escape are a lot darker than the actual escape route. That water in the background hints it’s an emotional experience, but this woman is not drowning. She’s on solid ground and can walk away with a minimum of struggle. She just has to figure that out. Enter Tarot, to point the way.

The thing I love about this card is the confirmation that the future is in YOUR OWN hands. Her cage only works because she complies with her captors—and where are they now, by the way? The facts (Tarot Swords) may be cold and hard, but they are not sufficient to cage her. That requires complicity. So if you want hope, there you go.

This is a card of power waiting to be reclaimed. If it helps, I can promise you that it’s a lot easier to get it than you’ve been imagining. So why not give it a go?

Can you relate to the Eight of Swords?

Mystic Dreamer Tarot
by Heidi Darras

Schedule a Tarot consultation with Dixie.

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Eight of Swords, Mystic Dreamer, Tarot Eights, Tarot Swords

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  1. “Consider her arrival a prod to evaluate areas you feel trapped, restrained and stuck.” STUCK, that’s me alright!

    Can I relate? Hell woman that’s all ME!! Once again a tarot card just for me!


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