March 18

Edge of Something: Eclipse Week Tarot Forecast, Mar 21 – 27


Happy Eclipse.


Because, really. When is getting bowled over by the Universe feel “happy”?

But we’re talking Aries/Libra. In the realm of relationships, the me/we axis, man. It’s about the balance. It’s about FAIRNESS. It’s about justice and rightness. Keep yourself righteous, even when it’s hard, and you should come out okay. (Find some more lovely, general eclipse tips at the Astrology Zone.)

Personally, I’m doing alright. I will say that I’m finding myself suddenly revisiting some old situations, that have otherwise seemed to be set in stone. And it’s alright.

The vibe in general is like..the edge of something. Something important.

Lots of people, standing on the EDGE of something.

Even though it’s way not settled and even though I’m not sure how all will fall, I’m sporting an inexplicable faith all’s gonna turn out right in the end, just fine. Just the way it needs to.

I have no idea why I’m so convinced. But I’m not going to try to argue myself out of it.


I’m seeing this week as wildly fluctuating in terms of emotional tone, totally edgy. Sensitive. Raw and real. That’s not good, not bad. But be aware and build self-care into your plans. Other people are playing a prominent role here with several court cards, and we have a couple majors to emphasize the point–what happens will be around for some time to come. So make it count, folks.

Are you ready?!

Monday,  Flowering, Queen of Pentacles reversed: Coming into our own stride, but not quite there yet. It’s a process, yeah? A process. I expect to see results, although the project as such is still unfinished.

Tuesday, Breakthrough, Justice: It balances in the end. Sometimes, the process isn’t pretty but the end result is worth it. Expect “just rewards” to show up, whatever that may be.

[bctt tweet=”Getting what you deserve can be gift or curse. You get to pick.”]

Wednesday, Success, Six of Wands: A good day! Recognition for successful endeavors and leadership skills. This is a nice one for Eclipse day. Enjoy it!

Thursday, Compromise, Six of Pentacles: It needn’t be all for your desires, or all for your responsibilities. Break it up–time, energy, money. A little for work, a little for fun. A little for me, a little for thee. No winner-take-all here. Look for the win/win and you’ll achieve your ends.

Friday, The Creator, King of Wands reversed: Get in touch with your creative flow today. It mitigates stressors and helps you connect with yourself on a deeper level.

Saturday, Participation, Four of Wands reversed: Decide what you want your participation to be, and pull back from what doesn’t fit with your life, or anything you don’t feel good about.

Sunday, Thunderbolt, The Tower reversed: Some disruption is likely, but the end of the world, it’s not. Don’t mistake it for such. Back off anyone overblowing issues and overreacting, as that crap’s contagious. Deep breath and plan b, to the rescue.

Overview/Advice – Adventure, Page of Pentacles reversed: Don’t be afraid to try something new, but make your risks measured and gradual. Adventure is definitely calling. And it’s fine to answer. It’s great to answer! Just put on your walking boots and check your map, before you go out the door.

Affirmation – Sensitivity, Archangel Haniel: “You are extra-sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honor yourself and your feelings.” Well, if that doesn’t describe an eclipse week, I don’t know what does! I can’t add much to that. Honoring yourself and your feelings? Always good advice.

How are you doing? Stay safe and sane out there! ♥


This week’s forecast features the Osho Zen Tarot and Archangel Oracle Cards.  If you dig these, you’d probably like Dixie’s book, Everyday Tarot Archives, or better yet, a private consult.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


archangel oracle cards, Eclipse, Four of Wands, Justice, King of Wands, Osho Zen, Page of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, Six of Pentacles, Six of Wands, The Tower

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