Roughly 99% of the stuff I’ve spent much of my life worrying over hasn’t come to pass. I think that means I’m a mother.
And that which has come to pass? My worrying didn’t somehow prepare me to cope better. It just amped up the unpleasantness.
So now? I ease myself a step back any time I notice I’m starting to spiral into a worry-fest, whether the focus is personal or more global. Because it’s all the same. Experiencing disasters in my head is practicing disaster and knocking me off my center. It does no good and it feels rotten, which is my first and biggest clue it’s not a good idea.
These days, I look to expect better and screw what’s “realistic.”
I’m noticing a theme here for the last few forecasts. Or maybe, it’s a mostly a theme in my head, in my life. But I’m finding myself repeatedly drawn to taking a step back and a deep breath. Centering back to the self. Step back and center, step back and center. Taking what’s useful and ignoring everything else.
It’s a silly little thing, true, and honestly much easier to say than it is to do. But if you make this a practice–that’s another theme in my head, practice, consistency, repetition–but if you make this a practice, what you find is that you’re more at peace than you were before.
It’s the difference between trying to solve someone’s problems in your head, then offering and advocating for your solution, then worrying about whether or not your solution will be properly implemented or at all…OR offering the support of believing in the individual’s ability to make their own choices, live their own life, and resolve their own problems.
What you do most often is what shapes your day-to-day existence. And for me? I want peace, support, love and an easy sense of calm to shape my world. So let’s get specific and see how we do that for next week.
Day-by-day forecast taken directly from the video above.
Okay, one thing really, really notable about these cards, is that all except one of them are inverted.

Now, I don’t read inverted cards as the opposite of the traditional meaning. I usually read it as having the same energy, but not freely expressing. However, when I have a week full of inverted cards, I know it’s probably not gonna be a super comfortable, easy ride. Just so you know.
So, with that having been said, let’s just kinda hop right in here, and see what we’ve got.
It, looks like an emotional week.
Monday is the Page of Cups reversed. Potential for emotional overreaction. Where people wear their feelings on their sleeves. Or are otherwise just easily upset, maybe even including you.
So, space. Space, okay? Everybody needs lots of space. And extra downtime.
Naps. Naps are good. Naps are your friend.
So Monday might be a little edgey. Sorry. What are you gonna do?
Tuesday, the Knight of Swords reversed. Knights, especially inverted knights, have a tendency to be impulsive. In the suit of Swords, reversed again, there’s potential for impulsive words or blurting or harsh kind of sharp or critical language.
So be aware of that. And I hope you’re not on the receiving end. Do what you can not to be on the giving end, ok? ‘Cause these kind of words, a lot of times, there’s a hangover.
Just so you know.
And Happy Valentine’s Day. HAHAHA! ♥
Wednesday, we have the Two of Cups, which is lovely card, inverted, which I would prefer to see it upright, but still to me this is the beginnings of a little bit more harmony or a little bit more connection, or at least the potential for it coming in the week. So, not everything is in harmony. The basic points are actually in agreement, but you might not notice you’re busy fighting. You take what you can get, right?
Thursday, I have the Queen of Swords and I have her upright. Now, I want to tell you to be fair. Be clear. And filter! Not just filter your mouth, although I’m never going to advise against that. I’ll be honest!
But listen to the facts, not how they’re presented. Listen to the message or the intention, not whether or not you agree. In other words, take what information, take what understanding, needed, that you want, that is useful, that is helpful, that forwards things along and discard the rest!
If somebody uses an insensitive word or is not particularly thoughtful about how they express themselves or whatever, the Queen of Swords just ignores, ignores, ignores. She does not respond to anything she doesn’t like or she doesn’t need or doesn’t want. So that’s what we’ve got and that will really, really help you on Thursday.
And probably before and after Thursday a little.
Friday, it’s the Seven of Pentacles, which is another generally speaking positive card, reversed. Now in this case, it feels like what you do doesn’t matter. I’m not going to say that’s true, or overall or in this case for that matter. But that’s kind of the feeling that I’ve got going on. Thursday. To deal with that, I have the Two of Wands reversed.
And what I want to say in that regard is don’t push back. Just back up, back up, back up; in fact, I’m seeing a car, backing out of a parking space. Backing up don’t get, stuck, solidified. You know. It…don’t get in a place that is not…don’t put yourself in a corner. Just kind of back up, easy does it, easy does it, that’s kind of the vibe I’m wanting for the whole week!
Saturday, the Emperor reversed. When I see this, a lot of times there are control freak issues. So control yourself, not the other. Whatever that’s worth. And people might be trying to control you. And, I mean, you know what to do with that.
You smile, and you say, “Thank you so much for your caring and concern for me. I really, really appreciate that. And I will take everything you have to say under advisement.”
In other words, I’m going to do exactly what I want to do, but I want to acknowledge you in a positive way that you can’t really argue with. Mmmm! Problem solved.
Okay. Sunday, I’ve got the Four of Swords. But it’s shown up reversed. Now, the Four of Swords in general is a card of rest or relaxation. Having it reversed on Sunday makes me think, hmmm. Maybe there’s some last minute details that need to be attended to. Check Sunday. On my clarification, I got Strength. But check Sunday, and see if there’s any follow through or anything that’s gotten missed or just kind of slid on by that you could stand to deal with, okay? Before the week gets started.
Overview/Advice: The Five of Swords reversed. [Note: I missed covering this in the video.]
No need to take score or decide what is right and what it wrong. It’s superfluous. You can evaluate for YOURSELF, your own experience and life, what you want there and what you don’t. But there is no reason to compare that to anything else to decide what is better and worse. You “win” here by not caring who wins, instead just directing your own experience.
Our affirmation here, we’ve got, “Everything I touch is a success!”
And the back of it says, “I now establish a new awareness of success. I know I can be as successful as I make up my mind to be. I can move into the winning circle.”
At first, I thought it said, I could move into Wyoming. Why, is Wyoming special?
“Golden opportunities are everywhere for me. Prosperity of every kind is drawn to me.”
Whether you’re into these kind of affirmations or not, people have really big tendency to acknowledge what goes wrong and dismiss what goes right. At least in their conversation, so I’m assuming we’re doing it in our heads as well.
And I say to you, how about acknowledging what goes right and ignoring what goes wrong? Maybe a simple concept, maybe revolutionary. Depends.
I’m seeing water, a huge body of water. And like being in a big body of water, you don’t want to try and fight the tide. You want to relax into the flow, and then kind of paddle the direction that you’re looking for. That’s the mental image, imagery that I’m getting. In other words, you try to fight the tide in the coming week, you’re going to drown in it. If you ride it, then when it’s calm enough, edge towards the direction you want to go, and you’re going to be a lot more successful. So light touch next week.
Don’t fight yourself, the tide or anybody else. Just take your time. Slow and steady.
This week’s forecast features the Morgan-Greer Tarot and Louise Hay’s Power Thought Cards. What your own consult? Go here.